How to Fix Red Eye in Google Photos: Simple Solutions

Learn how to easily fix red-eye issues in your photos on Google Photos. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions for different operating systems and recommend some reliable third-party apps for the job. Keep reading to discover the best ways to get rid of red-eye in your images.

Check How to Fix Red Eye in Google Photos

While Google Photos is a convenient way to store your images, it lacks a built-in red-eye correction tool. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some tried and tested methods to tackle this common problem.

Red-eye correction: tried and tested methods

Let’s explore how to fix red-eye issues on different operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS. We’ll focus on using native tools, but we’ll also recommend some reliable third-party applications where necessary.


Apple’s iOS 13 no longer has a built-in red-eye removal tool. However, you can still use third-party apps like Lightroom Mobile for iOS, which offers excellent editing features, including red-eye correction.


Red-eye removal on Android smartphones can vary depending on the manufacturer. Some smartphones, like Samsung’s S series, have a built-in red-eye removal tool. If your device doesn’t have this feature, you can use third-party apps like Photoshop Express or Modiface Eye Color Studio to fix red-eye problems.


Unfortunately, Microsoft Office no longer includes a red-eye correction tool. However, you can use third-party applications like the free and user-friendly “Remove Red Eyes” tool. If you’re looking for more advanced editing options, consider using Adobe’s Lightroom or Photoshop. Alternatively, GIMP is a feature-rich photo editing software with a user-friendly interface.

Mac OS

On Mac OS, the native Photos app includes a red-eye removal tool. Simply open your photo, click “Edit,” and select the red-eye removal tool from the toolbar. You can also customize the tool’s settings to automatically remove red-eye.

Google Photos editing options

While Google Photos lacks a specific red-eye correction tool, it does offer basic editing options. You can adjust filters, colors, and lighting to enhance your images. Additionally, you can use the snipping tool to crop your photos with various aspect ratios.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I fix red-eye issues directly in Google Photos?

No, Google Photos doesn’t have a built-in red-eye correction tool. You’ll need to use other applications or follow the methods mentioned in this article to fix red-eye problems.

2. Do all smartphones have a built-in red-eye removal tool?

No, not all smartphones have a built-in red-eye removal tool. The availability of this feature depends on the manufacturer and model of your device. If your smartphone doesn’t have a native solution, you can explore third-party apps for red-eye correction.

Now that you have the knowledge to fix red-eye issues, you can confidently edit your photos before uploading them to Google Photos. Say goodbye to those annoying red eyes and enhance the visual quality of your images!

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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