How To Fix RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile

Many Discord users have recently reported being stuck at the RTC Connecting/No route problem. Don’t be concerned if you are one of them. It is usually not difficult to repair. Discord(Opens in a new window) is one of the most popular ways for gamers to connect online to play games, with over a quarter-billion users. Discord allows people to communicate immediately through voice, video, or text, as well as join servers where bigger communities can interact. In this article we will try to tech you how to How To Fix RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile.

Discord’s focus is unmistakably on gaming; at one point, the service even handed gratis PC games to premium customers before recognising it couldn’t compete with Steam. Discord’s features, on the other hand, can be used by any online community. More on its other applications in a moment. You are not alone if you have recently experienced Discord RTC connectivity errors. After conducting some web investigation, I discovered that many Discord users are also getting these issues.

So, what exactly occurred? Why is your Discord stuck at “RTC connected” and not progressing? Why did you suddenly lose your ability to connect? And why does it happen only occasionally? “RTC Connecting” occurs when a Discord client is unable to connect to other Discord servers. Discord facilitates concurrent communication by utilising the Real-Time Chat protocol (or WebRTC).

This usually indicates that the server has gone offline or that there is a fault with the server itself. If you are unable to connect to a specific server for more than 5 minutes, it is usually advisable to establish a new account and try again. If you still can’t connect after waiting more than 10-15 minutes, we need to look into the issue further. Below we have mention the steps to resolve RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile. But still if you are facing the same issue again and again after following the steps above then you may also go to their official website and ask for more solutions.

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How To Fix RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile

Clear Cache

  • Open the Discord app on your smartphone.
  • Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner.
  • Tap your profile picture in the bottom right.
  • Scroll down and tap Clear Cache.

Check Your Internet Connection

When you encounter the RTC connecting error on Discord, the first thing to look for is a shaky internet connection. Check that your signal strength is excellent to resolve the issue. You can use online internet speed test services to see whether your internet connection is bad, or you can open other apps to see if their service is also impaired. If the issue is with your network, restart your wifi router or contact your internet service provider to resolve it. Restart Discord after the connection has been restored.

Update the Discord App

Turn Off the VPN

If you use a VPN, it can interfere with your device’s access to the Discord servers in a variety of ways. First, your VPN may not support User Data Protocol (UDP), the Discord communication protocol. Second, the VPN may be redirecting your IP address to a place far away from the nearest Discord servers, causing the connection to be lost. Disable the VPN and check to see whether the RTC connection problem is resolved.

Turn Off the Data Saver

  • Open the Settings app on your iOS device.
  • Tap on the Cellular Data option.
  • Select “Cellular Data Options”.
  • Tap on “Data mode”.
  • Choose Standard or Allow more data on 5G.

Uninstall and Reinstall Discord

  • Press and hold the Discord icon on your home screen.
  • Tap Remove App.
  • Select “Delete App”.
  • Wait a moment.
  • Go to your phone’s application storage.
  • Search for discord.
  • Tap the Install button.

What Does “RTC Connecting” Mean

Discord is a famous VoIP application that allows you to spend quality time with those that matter to you. It’s the best way to communicate with your closest pals, gaming companions, or even a school group. You can start video calls, send text messages, and talk on the phone. This communication software is the whole shebang. You have the option of using the web-based version or downloading the desktop application on your computer. Discord users may encounter a barrier in which they are unable to establish a connection. The service keeps saying ‘RTC Connecting’ without doing anything, preventing you from joining a real-time voice chat. ‘RTC Connecting’ indicates that the platform is attempting to initiate a voice call. Discord facilitates concurrent communication by utilising the Real-Time Chat protocol (or WebRTC).

As a result, the problem of sleeping when ‘RTC Connecting’ is network-related. RTC, which stands for Real-Time Communication/Chat, indicates that you are attempting to initiate a voice or video call with people on Discord. RTC attempts to establish an end-to-end connection so that you can connect to voice on Discord. Discord employs RTC, which is based on the WebRTC protocol. In Discord voice chat, an RTC connection Discord error may occur. When you encounter the RTC disconnected Discord or Discord stuck on RTC connecting error, you will be unable to hear or communicate in the Discord chat room.

Final Words

We hope our article on methods to How To Fix RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile will help you and resolve all your problems. However, when attempting to create a phone call connection, you may receive an error message stating “RTC Connecting Discord”. This message will continue to appear in the absence of any real progress. To enable concurrent communication, Discord employs the Real-time Chat protocol (RTC). If you are encountering the “RTC Connecting Discord” issue, it is most likely a network issue. If you are facing the similar issues and want to know how to resolve this problem then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, How To Fix RTC Connecting on Discord Mobile.

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