Troubleshooting Windows File Explorer Unresponsiveness

Encountering an unresponsive Windows File Explorer can be frustrating, but there are multiple strategies you can deploy to overcome this issue. This guide dives into a variety of solutions that can help get your File Explorer back on track.

Ensure Optimal Display Settings

One culprit behind a malfunctioning File Explorer could be your display settings. Ensuring that your PC is configured to the recommended resolution and scale can often alleviate the issue. If you’re already at the recommended 100% scale, try toggling to 125% before setting back to 100%. This sometimes refreshes the system and resolves any glitches.

Restarting File Explorer

If File Explorer is frozen, a simple yet effective fix can be restarting it. This can be achieved through the Task Manager or Command Prompt, but for ease of use, consider setting up a BAT file that lets you restart File Explorer with a single click.

Addressing System File Corruption

Corrupted system files may be at the heart of the problem. Utilizing the System File Checker tool can aid in identifying and restoring any damaged or absent system files, potentially rectifying the File Explorer issue.

Purging File Explorer’s History

Over time, the accumulation of history within File Explorer could slow down its performance. Erasing the history of recent activities within File Explorer can provide a performance boost, often resolving sluggishness or unresponsiveness.

Updating Video Drivers

An outdated or corrupt video driver can cause several issues, including an unresponsive File Explorer. Keep your drivers up to date by downloading the latest versions for your specific graphics hardware.

Keep Widows Updated

Running an outdated version of Windows 10 can lead to various issues, including the unresponsiveness of File Explorer. Check for any Windows updates and install them to ensure your system is current and stable.

Anti-Virus and Malware Scans

Malignant software like viruses or malware could impede File Explorer’s functionality. Conduct a thorough scan using your preferred security software or the built-in Windows Defender to root out any threats.

Memory Diagnostics

Defective RAM can cause erratic behavior in applications, such as File Explorer. You can use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool to check your system’s memory and address any issues found.

System Restore

If your problem began following new software installations or system changes, reverting your PC using System Restore to a previous state before those changes can help bring File Explorer back to normal functioning.

Persist through the listed solutions in this guide until you find the one that resolves the File Explorer problem.


What causes File Explorer to stop responding?

File Explorer might fail to respond due to improper display settings, damaged system files, obsolete drivers, system infections, memory issues, or recent software changes conflicting with File Explorer’s operations.

How can I reboot File Explorer on my PC?

Rebooting File Explorer can be done through the Task Manager or Command Prompt. Detailed steps on how to perform the reboot can be found in the sections above of this guide.

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