Mastering Strava: A Guide to Flagging Segments Effectively

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial designed to help you navigate the world of Strava like a pro. Whether you’re an avid cyclist or a passionate runner, keeping track of your workouts is essential, and Strava excels in this realm. Keeping the platform fair and accurate is just as important, which is why flagging suspicious segments is vital. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of spotting and flagging these segments with ease, guaranteeing a trustworthy environment for all Strava users.

Understanding the Strava Segment Flagging Update

Strava’s commitment to fairness has led to the launch of a new system that automatically flags unusual segment times. This enhanced algorithm works diligently to maintain leaderboard integrity, automatically alerting users to anomalies in their submitted times. If you come across what Strava has marked as “questionable data,” the platform now empowers you to correct it. Whether it’s an honest mistake or a potential glitch, Strava’s system is designed to support accurate and fair competition. Here’s your step-by-step guide to utilizing Strava’s clip tool and keeping your records straight.

How to Flag a Strava Segment

The procedure to flag a segment on Strava is straightforward:

  • First, sign into your Strava account.
  • Navigate to the details page of the concerned segment.
  • Locate and select the action menu, typically found at the bottom right of the segment map.
  • Choose ‘Flag’ from the available options.
  • Provide a valid reason for flagging the segment and include additional details if necessary.
  • Finally, click ‘Mark’ to confirm the flagging action.

Alternative Method: Flagging from the Segment Analysis Screen

  • Start by selecting an activity from your Strava dashboard.
  • Scroll to the segment you wish to flag and highlight it.
  • Click ‘Analyze’ from the pop-up menu accompanying the segment.
  • On the analysis page, click the three-dot menu icon to the left.
  • From there, select ‘Flag’.
  • Just like before, enter the reasons for flagging and give additional context if needed.
  • Hit ‘Mark’ to confirm your flagging action.


In wrapping up, mastering the art of flagging segments on Strava not only assists in keeping your own records straight but also contributes to the authenticity of the community’s workout data. Strava’s enhanced system allows for greater accountability and fair play, essential for maintaining trust among its user base. Use this guide to ensure that your experiences, and those of others, remain credible and enjoyable.


Q: Why is it necessary to flag incorrect segments on Strava?

A: Flagging incorrect segments is essential for maintaining fair leaderboards and ensuring that all users are competing on a level playing field. It helps prevent errors from disrupting the accuracy of the data and keeps the community trust intact.

Q: What steps can I take if my genuine segment effort is mistakenly flagged?

A: If your effort is genuine and you believe it was incorrectly flagged, you can reach out to Strava support with evidence of your performance. Strava will review your case and, if valid, restore your segment effort to the leaderboard.

Remember, with precision and a sense of fairness, we can all contribute to an honest and competitive Strava community. Keep these tips in mind as you tackle your next workout, and here’s to many more successful segments!

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