How to Make Windows 11 Open Search Links in Your Default Browser

Looking for a way to make Windows 11 open search links in your preferred browser instead of Microsoft Edge? We’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll show you how to force Windows 11 to open search links in your default browser.

The Process of Changing Default Browser in Windows 11

Changing the default browser in Windows 11 is slightly more complicated than in Windows 10, but it can still be done. While switching to Firefox is relatively straightforward, switching to Chrome or another browser requires a few more steps. Don’t worry though, we’ll walk you through the process.

  • Step 1: Open the Windows Terminal or Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  • Step 2: Visit this GitHub page and copy the code from lines 1 to 23.
  • Step 3: Paste the code into the Windows Terminal or Windows PowerShell. If you see a warning message about multiple lines, click “Paste Anyway.”
  • Step 4: Wait for a moment until you see a green line indicating that the installation is complete.
  • Step 5: Congrats! You can now open any link that appears in Windows Search using your default browser, whether it’s Google Chrome, Firefox, or any other browser of your choice.

More Interesting Information

Windows 11, the latest major release of Microsoft’s operating system, brings several changes and improvements. While it may be more challenging to change the default browser in Windows 11, with the right steps, you can ensure that search links open in your preferred browser.

In recent years, Microsoft’s Edge browser has made significant strides, but alternatives like Chrome and Opera still offer their own benefits. However, Microsoft has made it a bit more complicated to change default browser settings, hoping users will stick with Edge.

Questions People Might Have

  • Q: How do I change the default browser in Windows 11?
  • A: To change the default browser in Windows 11, follow the steps mentioned in the guide above.

  • Q: Can I switch to Firefox as my default browser easily?
  • A: Yes, changing the default browser to Firefox is relatively straightforward in Windows 11.

With these steps, you can easily make Windows 11 open search links in your preferred browser. Enjoy a seamless browsing experience in the browser of your choice!

Remember, if you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us via the contact form. And if you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family!

Happy browsing! ????

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