Find My Items: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help Return Lost Items

Lost items, such as keys or bags, can be a major headache. But Apple’s Find My app is making it easier to reunite owners with their lost belongings. With the new “Help return lost items” feature, users can locate misplaced items and help return them to their rightful owners. Here’s how:

How to Use “Help Return Lost Items” on Find My App

  1. Open the Find My app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the “Items” tab.
  3. Swipe up on the item card to reveal more options.
  4. Select “Help return lost items.”
  5. Tap “Search” to begin scanning the area for lost items.
  6. Check the “Unknown Items” list for any devices that are found.
  7. If an AirTag is found, tap “Play Sound” to locate it, and tap “Learn more about this AirTag” to see if the owner has added contact information.
  8. If contact information is available, bring your iPhone closer to the AirTag and tap the on-screen notification to open an Apple website and find the owner’s contact information.

Please note that items can only be found if they are not within range of their owner’s device, up to 50 meters.


What is the purpose of the “Help return lost items” feature on the Find My app?

The “Help return lost items” feature allows users to locate misplaced items and helps them return them to their rightful owners.

What devices can be found with the “Help return lost items” feature?

The feature works with any Find My-enabled device, including AirTags, iPhones, iPads, and Macs.

Can I contact the owner of a lost item myself?

If the owner has added their contact information to their AirTag or other Find My-enabled device, you can reach out to them to arrange a return. However, it’s important to respect privacy and not share personal information without permission.

Is there a limit to how far away a lost item can be located?

Items can be found if they are not within range of their owner’s device, up to 50 meters.

Final Thoughts

With the “Help return lost items” feature on the Find My app, losing an item doesn’t have to be stressful. By taking a few simple steps, you can locate lost items and help return them to their rightful owners.

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