Customizing the Action Center in Windows 10: A User-Friendly Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial designed to help you personalize the Action Center in Windows 10. Since Windows 10 is an ever-evolving platform, we’ve updated our guide to ensure that it remains relevant and accurate. If you find this updated tutorial, “Customizing the Action Center in Windows 10,” to be helpful, please feel free to share it with your community.

Understanding Action Center Customization in Windows 10

The Action Center in Windows 10 is a hub for notifications and quick settings, providing a convenient way for users to access important controls. But did you know that you can customize the Quick Actions to streamline your workflow? This guide will dive into the personalization options that allow you to tailor the Action Center to your preferences, enhancing your Windows 10 experience.

Entering the Edit Mode

To begin personalizing Quick Actions, you need to access the edit mode. Press the Windows logo key + I to open the Settings app, and head over to System -> Notifications & Actions. Click “Edit your quick actions” to see your Quick Actions in a customizable layout. Alternatively, right-click in the Action Center’s empty space and select ‘Edit’ from the context menu to start editing.

Removing Quick Action Buttons

Do you see a Quick Action button you rarely use? Simply click the unpin icon in its top-right corner to declutter the Action Center.

Adding Quick Action Buttons

Click on the “Add” button located at the bottom to reveal all available Quick Actions. From there, you can select and instantly add new buttons to the Action Center.

Rearranging Quick Action Buttons

For a workflow that feels natural, drag and drop Quick Action buttons to rearrange them according to your usage patterns and preferences.


We’ve reached the end of this guide on customizing the Action Center in Windows 10. With simple adjustments, you can ensure the Action Center truly caters to your needs. If you have any questions related to this tutorial or wish to further enhance your Windows experience, feel free to reach out or explore more of our articles!


Q: How can I ensure the Action Center meets my specific needs in Windows 10?

A: By following the steps provided in this guide, you can add, remove, and rearrange Quick Actions in the Action Center to create a layout that best suits your workflow and preferences.

Q: Is it possible to easily revert changes made to the Quick Actions in Windows 10?

A: Absolutely, you can re-pin removed Quick Actions or rearrange them back to their original positions by entering edit mode once again and making the desired adjustments.

Remember to keep your content SEO-friendly and to update any mention of outdated operating systems or devices to their latest versions. For example, if this article were referring to Windows 8 or the iPhone 8, these should be updated to the latest available Windows version or iPhone model at the time of writing.

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