Mastering the Degree Symbol on Your Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering the art of typing on a Mac includes knowing all the shortcuts and characters that make digital communication fluid and accurate. One such character, the degree symbol, is essential for a variety of tasks, including academic work, professional documents, and even casual conversations when discussing the weather. This article provides a comprehensive guide on inserting the degree symbol on a Mac.

Getting to Know the Degree Symbol

Before we dive into the technical, let’s understand what the degree symbol signifies. When appearing after a numeric value, it specifies angular measurement—such as 0° (zero degrees) for the absence of an angle, 90° for a right angle, 180° for a straight angle, and 360° for a full rotation. As a symbol of temperature, the degree symbol is used with either C for Celsius (°C) or F for Fahrenheit (°F). Conversely, remember Kelvin (K) is the temperature unit that uniquely does not require the degree sign.

Using Mac’s Emoji and Symbols Menu

To add the degree symbol on a Mac, macOS Mojave and later versions offer a Symbols utility that’s easily accessible. Simply position your cursor in the desired spot and choose Edit > Emoji and Symbols from the menu bar, or use the keyboard shortcut Control-Command-Space. A window will show up with various special characters and symbols. Type “degree” into the search box to narrow down the choices, and select from three degree symbol variations—one generic and two for temperature (°C and °F). Just double-click the desired symbol to place it where your cursor is.

Fast-Track with Keyboard Shortcuts

The Emoji and Symbols menu is a treasure trove of characters, but if you’re looking for speed and convenience, keyboard shortcuts are the way to go. Here’s how to quickly insert a degree symbol:

  • Shift-Option-8: This shortcut inserts the standard degree symbol (e.g., 72°).
  • Option-K: This alternative gives you a smaller version of the degree symbol (e.g., 72˚) which is less common.

Note that while both symbols resemble each other closely, the larger version inserted from the Emoji and Symbols menu might be more appropriate for formal contexts.

In Closing: Typing the Degree Symbol on a Mac

Understanding how to insert the degree symbol is a nifty skill that enhances your typing expertise on a Mac. Whether it’s for professional writing, academic work, or simply reporting the temperature, mastering this small detail can make a significant difference. We hope this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to use these symbols with ease.

If any questions arise or you need further clarification related to using special characters on a Mac, don’t hesitate to reach out through our contact form. And if you found this guide helpful, we’d love for you to share it with your network—it’s a simple way to support our efforts in bringing you clear and practical tech advice.


Q: How do I locate the Emoji and Symbols menu on a Mac?

A: The Emoji and Symbols menu can be accessed by clicking Edit in the menu bar at the top of your screen and selecting Emoji and Symbols, or by using the keyboard shortcut Control-Command-Space.

Q: What is the keyboard shortcut for a degree symbol on a Mac?

A: The keyboard shortcut for inserting the degree symbol on a Mac is Shift-Option-8. If you need a smaller symbol, Option-K provides a miniature version.

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