Ultimate Guide to Installing Oracle Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu 20.04

Welcome to our step-by-step tutorial on installing the latest Oracle Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu 20.04. With technology constantly evolving, it’s vital to keep your system updated, and we’re here to ensure you can navigate this upgrade effortlessly. Let our guide be the wind beneath your tech wings, as we delve into the specifics of setting up the revered programming language environment on your system.

Understanding the Installation of Oracle Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu 20.04

The release of Oracle Java 17 marks a significant milestone in the Java ecosystem, being a long-term support (LTS) version that promises extended maintenance up to September 2029. This robust support includes critical security updates and performance upgrades, ensuring your Java-based applications remain secure and efficient.

While this guide is tailored for Ubuntu and Linux Mint users, its relevance should extend to other Debian-based distributions. It’s worth noting that the PPA (Personal Package Archive) used in this tutorial is routinely updated, making it a valuable resource for both current and future distribution versions.

For those seeking an Oracle Java installation, the process can seem daunting as it is not included in the official Ubuntu repositories due to licensing constraints. Alternatives like OpenJDK may satisfy some needs but can fall short for specific use cases. Hence, this guide will focus on Oracle Java JDK 17 for its comprehensive feature set and performance benefits.

Step-by-Step Process to Install Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Follow these steps to securely install Oracle Java JDK 17 on your system:

  1. Launch your terminal to begin the process.
  2. Add the Oracle Java PPA to your system repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
  1. After adding the PPA, update your package list and install Java JDK 17 by executing:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java17-installer oracle-java17-set-default
  1. The installation process will require you to download Java directly from Oracle’s website. This step may take some time, so patience is key.
  2. An Oracle license agreement will appear during the installation. You must accept the terms to proceed.
  3. Upon completion, verify the successful installation of Java JDK 17:
java --version

If properly installed, the terminal will display Java version 17, confirming success. Additionally, you can ascertain the Java executable’s installation path through the command:

which java

Arch Linux users also have the convenience of installing Oracle Java JDK 17 through AUR. For detailed instructions, our guide on installing Oracle Java 17 on Arch Linux can be referred to.

Conclusion: Successfully Installing Oracle Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu 20.04

This comprehensive guide aims to make your installation process of Oracle Java JDK 17 on Ubuntu 20.04 smooth and hassle-free. If there are any uncertainties or further questions, do not hesitate to reach out via our support channels. And for those who found this guide enlightening and helpful, sharing it with your community would be highly appreciated and would immensely support our efforts.


Q: Is Oracle Java 17 compatible with Ubuntu 20.04?

A: Absolutely. Oracle Java 17 can be installed and functions seamlessly on Ubuntu 20.04.

Q: What should I do if I encounter issues during the installation?

A: Ensure all previous Java versions are removed, the PPA is correctly added, and your system is updated. If problems persist, feel free to reach out for support.

By following the outlined procedures and embracing the latest Java LTS version, you enrich your system with a groundbreaking development environment conducive to modern application creation.

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