How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck

This tutorial is about How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck. Recently I updated this tutorial and will try my best so that you understand this guide. I hope you guys like this blog, How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck. If your answer is yes after reading the article, please share this article with your friends and family to support us.
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Check How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck

Steam Deck is designed to play Steam games, of course. But it’s also a full PC, which means you have the same options as on your PC. With Steam, it’s always been possible to add games from other sources to your library, and the same goes for the Steam Deck. But what about epic? How can you play Epic Games Store titles on the Steam Deck? If for some reason you have upgraded Windows to your Steam Deck, installing the Epic Games Store is no problem at all.

It’s a different story if you want to stick with Linux. While Epic Games officially supports Linux with its Easy Anti Cheat software, the company has been unable to bring its game store to this platform. This is where the Linux community comes into play. As we know, Windows-based games can easily run on Linux as well as on Steam, and it’s no different if you have a library of Epic titles. It’s not even that hard to get them onto the Steam deck. This is what you need to know.

How to Install Epic Games Launcher on Steam Deck

  • Press and hold the Steam Deck power button to open the power menu, then select Switch to desktop to switch to the Linux desktop.
  • Make sure the desktop version of Steam is running. This will allow you to open the on-screen keyboard by holding Steam + X.
  • Open Firefox (or Chrome, if you have installed it) and search for “Epic Installer” to access the Epic Games download page. Download the Windows executable.
  • Open Steam. Use the Game > Add a non-Steam game to my library menu option to bring up a dialog. Click Browse. In the dropdown box, click “/” to navigate to the top level folder in the Steam Deck, then follow this path until you reach your downloads folder:
    • / home / deck / Downloads
    • Now change the “File Types” dropdown to “All Files” and you should see the Epic installer in your folder. Click Open to add it to Steam’s list of non-Steam games, then click Add Selected Programs.
  • Search your library for “Epic” to find the installer. Right-click and go to Properties > Compatibility and check the box that says “Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool” and select the latest stable version of Proton.
  • Click Play to run the installer. It will take a minute or so and then it will disappear. You have successfully installed the Windows version of Epic Launcher within SteamOS.
  • Now we just have to make it so you can actually use it.
  • This is the only step that is a bit tricky: you need to find the folder within Steamapps where the Epic launcher was installed. Open Dolphin file explorer from the taskbar and hit the hamburger menu in the top right corner to enable “Show hidden files”. Now navigate the following route:
    • Home / .local / share / Steam / steamapps / compatibility data
    • If you have a bunch of games installed, you’ll see a set of folders here with corresponding ID numbers. Hidden in one of these folders is your Epic Games executable. If you haven’t added any other non-Steam games, it should be pretty easy to find – the folder will have a much larger number than any official Steam game. Start with the highest numbered folder and keep opening the “pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)” folders until you find the one containing Epic Games. When it does, navigate to this path:
    • Home / .local / share / Steam / steamapps / compatibility data / /pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/Launcher/Portal/Binaries/Win64
    • Look for EpicGames Launcher.exe at the bottom of the folder. Right-click > Copy Location.
  • Back on Steam, right-click the Epic Installer entry in your library and go to Properties > Shortcut. Here you are going to highlight the Target field, right click and hit Paste.
  • Then use the keyboard (Steam+X) to add back the quotes at the beginning and end.
    • Do the same for the “Start in” field, but remove EpicGamesLauncher.exe from the end, because here we’re just telling Steam which folder to look in. Remember to keep the quotation marks at the beginning and at the end. (If you find it too difficult to copy/paste the Steam Deck trackpads, you can use the Browse Here option instead of navigating to the folder.
  • Rename your EpicInstaller-.msi shortcut to something better. I just made “Epic Games”. (You can also add an icon, but it won’t appear in the SteamOS UI.)
  • Installation complete! (Well, mostly). Click the “Return to Game Mode” icon on the desktop to restart SteamOS.
  • Back on SteamOS, open your library and go to the non-Steam games section, which should make your new Epic library easy to find. Select it, then click the controller icon to configure its controls. I recommend selecting the “Gamepad with Mouse Trackpad” template, enabling back grip buttons, and setting up two grips for left/right clicking.
  • That way you can still use the controller buttons as usual, while using the trackpad and grip buttons to navigate the Epic launcher UI.
  • Start the launcher and sign in to your account. It’s a bit slow to load, so wait a minute or so. Once it’s uploaded, click on your profile icon in the top right corner and open Settings. Disable the following:
    • Run when my computer starts
    • Show free game notifications
    • Show notifications of news and special offers

Final remarks: How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck

I hope you understand this article, How to install the Epic Games launcher on Steam Deck. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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