Upgrading Creative Tools: Installing the New Paint App on Windows 10

Keep reading to discover how to seamlessly upgrade your artistic experience by installing the Windows 11 Paint app on a Windows 10 system.

With a deep dive into why this upgrade is worth your time, we’ll explore how the newly refreshed Paint app brings a touch of Windows 11’s flair to your current Windows 10 setup.

Additionally, we’ll share insights into the latest features provided by the Paint app and how it ties into Microsoft’s unified design philosophy, embracing the most up-to-date visual elements and functionalities introduced with Windows 11.

Embarking on the Upgrade: Installing the New Paint App

Microsoft unveiled a redesigned Paint application tailored for Windows 11 on September 28, 2021. This significant update injected new life into Paint, aligning it with the aesthetics of the exciting new Windows 11 interface, set for a public release on October 5, 2021.

Discover how Windows 10 users can also enjoy the sleek, modern design of the Windows 11 Paint app by following a few straightforward steps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Windows 11 Paint App on Windows 10:

Should you have an active subscription to the Windows Insider Dev Channel, you’ll automatically receive the new Paint app as part of your system updates. It’s seamlessly delivered through Microsoft Store updates. But if you’re on the stable Windows 11 version, or if you’re a Windows 10 user, let’s walk through the installation process.

Commence by launching your preferred web browser and visit the AdGuard website to download the necessary Microsoft Store product packages.

On the AdGuard site, select ‘ProductId’ from the initial dropdown menu, input the ID ‘9PCFS5B6T72H’, pick ‘Quick’ from the subsequent dropdown menu, and proceed with the search.

Locate the file called Microsoft.Paint_11.2110.0.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle, and initiate the download by clicking the link. If the link appears unresponsive, right-click to copy the address and paste it into a new tab of your browser.

Post-download, move the package to your C: drive for convenience. Then, open PowerShell with administrative privileges and execute the command outlined below.

dism /online /add-provisionedappxpackage /packagepath:”C:filename.msixbundle” /skiplicense

Remember to replace the placeholder path and filename with the actual information. After hitting Enter, the command will install the app on your system, concluding with the message ‘Operation completed successfully.’

You are now equipped to unleash your creativity using the new Paint app right on your Windows 10 computer.

Conclusion: Enjoying a Fresh Paint Experience on Windows 10

This tutorial strived to guide you through the process of installing the Windows 11 Paint app onto a Windows 10 machine. Our goal is to ensure you are able to enjoy the latest design tools, regardless of whether you’ve upgraded to the newest operating system.

Should you have any queries or require further assistance related to this process, don’t hesitate to reach out via the contact form. And when you find success with your new Paint app, share your joy and knowledge to support and inspire others within your community.


Q: Will installing the Windows 11 Paint app affect my current files in the Paint application on Windows 10?

A: No, your current files will remain intact and accessible after upgrading to the new Paint app.

Q: Can I revert back to the old Paint app if I prefer its interface over the Windows 11 version?

A: Yes, you can reinstall the older version of Paint if you decide the new interface is not to your liking.

Optimizing your content for SEO while keeping it reader-friendly is key to bolstering its visibility on Google Search, and we hope this adjusted content serves both purposes effectively.

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