Creating Hidden Folders and Files with Dot Prefix in Windows 11

Explore the intriguing world of hidden folders and files in Windows 11โ€”the secret to seamless organization and privacy. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or simply looking to enhance your digital workspace, mastering the art of creating dot-prefixed items will take your computer skills to the next level. Let’s dive into this step-by-step guide on creating folders and files with a dot prefix in the latest version of Windows.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dot-Prefixed Folders and Files

Windows 11 brings new perspectives to user experience and file management. This update offers enhanced support for files and folders that begin with a dotโ€”a naming convention typically found in Unix and Linux environments to indicate hidden or configuration files. Here’s how you can create these files easily in Windows 11:

Using File Explorer to Create Dot-Prefixed Folders

File Explorer in Windows 11 includes user-friendly features that make creating dot-prefixed folders straightforward. Follow these steps to create your hidden folder:

  • Press the Windows key + E to open File Explorer.
  • Navigate to the directory where you wish to create your new dot-prefixed folder.
  • Right-click on an empty space, hover over “New,” and select “Folder.”
  • Name the folder with a starting dot (e.g., “.myHiddenFolder”) and hit Enter. The folder will instantly turn into a hidden folder.

Creating Dot-Prefixed Files and Folders with Command Prompt

For those who prefer the command line or need to script the creation of these items, Windows 11’s Command Prompt is your gateway:

  • Type “Command Prompt” in the Windows search bar and select “Run as administrator” for elevated privileges.
  • Once the Command Prompt window is open, navigate to your desired directory.
  • To create a new dot-prefixed folder, type the command: mkdir .yourFolderName and hit Enter.
  • Similarly, for files, use the appropriate command such as: echo > .yourFileName.extension


Overall, the ability to create hidden folders and files beginning with a dot in Windows 11 not only aligns with familiar Unix-like systems but also provides enhanced organizational tools for Windows users. Whether you’re using them for privacy, configuration, or to declutter your workspace, dot-prefixed items are a valuable addition to your digital skillset.


Q: How do hidden dot-prefixed folders benefit Windows 11 users?

A: Hidden dot-prefixed folders provide additional privacy and organization. They can store sensitive data or configuration files, reducing visual clutter and protecting information from accidental modifications.

Q: Can I see hidden dot-prefixed folders in File Explorer on Windows 11?

A: Yes, by changing the view settings in File Explorer. Go to the “View” tab, click on “Show,” and select “Hidden items” to make hidden dot-prefixed folders visible.

This tutorial is kept up-to-date, ensuring you can confidently navigate file and folder creation in Windows 11. If you have questions or insights, please reach out or share this content to help others embark on their own Windows journey.

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