Creating Internal Deep Links in Apple Notes for iOS Devices

Unlock the potential of Apple Notes on your iOS device by mastering the art of creating deep links directly to specific notes. As we walk through this updated tutorial, you’ll discover the ease and efficiency deep links can bring to your daily note-taking. Embrace this guide to enhance your productivity and transform how you interact with Apple Notes on your iOS device.

Deep Linking within Apple Notes: A User’s Guide

Deep linking transforms how we navigate our digital workspace, especially within the Apple Notes app. This powerful feature enables you to tap into particular content within Notes, streamlining your workflow and connectivity between various topics and references.

To embrace deep linking capabilities, start by mapping out the domains to include in your deep linking strategy, whether it’s a primary domain or a subdomain. After determining these, it’s time to integrate them into your app’s associated domains list through Xcode’s Signatures and Capabilities section, prepending ‘applinks:’ to denote their role in deep linking.

Let’s dive into crafting the necessary shortcut that invites us directly to the heart of our desired Apple Note.

  • Open the Shortcuts app and commence a new shortcut creation.
  • Assign a clear, descriptive name for your shortcut and proceed to add the ‘Find Notes’ action.
  • Customize the sorting order to streamline access to the most recent notes.
  • Add the series of actions: Select from List, Show Note Content, and Get Clipboard.

We’ll next employ a simple regex to extract the precise URL hidden within the note’s data:

  • Within the ongoing shortcut, integrate a ‘Match Text’ action featuring the supplied regex pattern.
  • Insert a text action containing markdown link syntax and input the extracted note URL as a variable.
  • Conclude by creating Rich Text from Markdown, copying it to the Clipboard, and retrieving it using the Get Clipboard action.

Enacting this shortcut yields a prompt with your notes, where selection manifests the hidden URL for immediate use.

If the Note’s URL Is Not Visible…

Encountering display glitches with the Shortcuts app can be frustrating. If iOS hides the URL due to a bug, fear not—there’s an alternate route:

  • With the keyboard active, choose ‘Select All’ from the text actions.
  • Copy the entire selection, which houses the elusive note URL.
  • Dismiss the auxiliary overviews to continue with the shortcut process.

Your shortcut will take over, isolating the URL, fabricating a markdown-formatted link, and readying it on your clipboard for pasting in any note.

Paste your fresh markdown deep link into any Apple Note for a seamless bridge to its target. Tapping the link instantly whisks you away to the linked content, elegantly boosting the capability of your note system.


Whether it’s for project management, study aids, or compiling interconnected ideas, deep linking in Apple Notes on iOS can profoundly improve your organizational tactics. Hopefully, this guide has provided clear insight and valuable steps toward maximizing your efficiency with Apple Notes.


Q: Why are deep links in Apple Notes beneficial for iOS users?

A: Deep links provide direct access to specific notes, streamlining navigation and organization within the app.

Q: What should I do if I can’t copy the note’s URL due to an iOS bug?

A: Use the ‘Select All’ text action to copy all content, then proceed as the shortcut filters and formats the deep link.

Remember, with the steps provided, anyone can enhance their digital note-taking on iOS devices, connecting ideas and references with the simple tap of a link.

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