How to Set Adobe Acrobat as Your Default PDF Reader

Discover how to configure Adobe Acrobat Reader as your standard PDF software, providing a superior reading experience compared to web browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Adobe Acrobat Reader offers a robust suite of tools perfect for users who need more than the basic capabilities offered by browsers.

Switching to Adobe Acrobat for PDFs

Are you looking to make Adobe Acrobat Reader your go-to choice for opening PDF files, instead of letting them launch directly in a web browser? Here’s how to make the switch:

Method 1: Download, Then Open with Adobe Acrobat

Refrain from directly opening PDF files in your browser by initially saving them on your computer. To do this, download the PDF, then right-click on the file and choose “Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader”. This will ensure the PDF opens with Adobe’s extensive features.

Method 2: Set Adobe Acrobat as the Default PDF Reader in Windows

Changing your Windows system’s default PDF reader to Adobe Acrobat Reader is straightforward:

  • Right-click a PDF file on your desktop or in a folder and select “Properties”.
  • Click “Change” next to the “Opens with” option.
  • In the upcoming list, select “Adobe Acrobat Reader” and then hit “OK”.
  • Click “Apply” to set Adobe Acrobat Reader as your default PDF application.

Utilizing Browsers for Quick PDF Access

Web browsers are equipped to offer a quick glance at PDFs online without additional software. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Google Chrome: Chrome’s built-in PDF viewer is designed for simplicity. To view a PDF in Chrome, just click on the PDF link and it’ll open without extra steps.
  • Mozilla Firefox: Firefox introduces its PDF.js viewer, offering enhanced capabilities over Chrome’s viewer. You can view a PDF in Firefox by simply clicking on it.
  • Microsoft Edge: Edge includes features like note-taking directly on the PDF. Clicking on a PDF link will open it in Edge’s integrated reader.


Is Adobe Acrobat integration possible for web browsing?

Absolutely! To use Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing PDFs in a browser, install the Adobe Acrobat browser extension first.

What makes Adobe Acrobat Reader different from browser-based viewers?

Adobe Acrobat Reader provides enriched functionality, including comprehensive editing tools, form-filling capabilities, annotations, and digital signature support, in contrast to the basic functionalities of browser-based readers used primarily for viewing and printing.

Is there a way to use Adobe Acrobat Reader by default with Google Chrome?

To adopt Adobe Acrobat Reader as Chrome’s default PDF viewer, apply the instructions in method 2 to alter the default PDF reader settings in Windows.

What safety measures should I take when downloading PDFs online?

While downloading PDFs is typically safe, always ensure that you trust the source and that your anti-virus software is active and updated as a precaution against potential threats.


Setting Adobe Acrobat Reader as your default PDF application offers a seamless and enriched document interaction experience. While browsers are suitable for quick viewing, Adobe Acrobat’s full range of features can significantly enhance how you interact with PDFs on your Windows machine.

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