Guide to Uploading Images to Instagram from Your Computer

Discover the seamless ways to share your favorite moments on Instagram straight from your computer. Our updated tutorial provides a user-friendly guide that makes posting images from PCs and laptops a breeze – a valuable read for digital artists, influencers, and businesses seeking to streamline their workflow.

Effortlessly Share Your Photos on Instagram via PC or Laptop

Instagram’s mobile-first approach means direct desktop uploads aren’t natively supported, encouraging in-the-moment sharing on the go. However, for photographers, influencers, and businesses dealing with high-quality camera content, transferring files to mobile before posting is quite the chore. Fortunately, there are workarounds to post from your computer with ease.

How to Post Photos on Instagram Using Your Desktop

The Instagram desktop experience may not include the full array of mobile app features, but you can still upload photos using a computer. Here’s how:

Uploading to Instagram via Edge Browser

Your preferred browser is Microsoft Edge? Perfect! Here’s how to post from your desktop:

  • Log in to Instagram through Edge and open Developer Tools by right-clicking and selecting “Inspect Element.”
  • Select “Emulation” from the dropdown menu and choose a mobile device profile.
  • Instagram’s mobile interface should now be on-screen. You can now upload photos by clicking the ‘+’ icon, applying filters, adding captions and hashtags, and hitting “Share.”

Posting from Google Chrome

Follow these steps to post via Google Chrome:

  • Log into Instagram on Chrome, right-click and select “Inspect” to launch the developer tools.
  • Toggle the device toolbar to display the mobile view of Instagram.
  • Hit refresh if the upload ‘+’ icon isn’t visible. Now, select and edit your photo and post with captions and hashtags.

Video Uploading on Instagram from a PC

Mastered photo posts? You might want to upload videos now. While desktop photo uploads are straightforward, videos require specific methods:

Desktop Publishing with Facebook Creator Studio

Leverage the connection between Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram to post videos from your PC:

  • Ensure your Instagram is set as a business or creator account. Personal accounts won’t work here.
  • Connect to Facebook Creator Studio, link your Instagram, and upload your video.
  • Write a captivating title, select your location, and cross-post to Facebook if desired.
  • Hit “Post” or schedule it for another time – your content is ready to engage!

Scheduling Instagram Posts via Later

Plan and schedule your Instagram content using Later:

  • Create an account on Later, upload your media, and choose your desired posting date.
  • Add your creative captions, hashtags, and account tags, then set the posting time.
  • Your video content is now queued for automatic posting, ensuring your feed stays consistent.

Conclusion: Simplifying Your Instagram Posts from Desktop

Armed with these methods, sharing your shots and clips on Instagram doesn’t need to be a mobile-only affair. Follow our guide to enrich your profile directly from the comfort of your computer.


Q: Can I post both photos and videos on Instagram from my PC?

A: Yes, you can post photos directly using browser Developer Tools. For videos, employ Facebook Creator Studio or Later to schedule and post.

Q: Is it possible to apply filters and edit posts when uploading from the desktop?

A: Yes, but the editing features are limited compared to the mobile app. You can crop, rotate, and apply Instagram’s filter presets.

Keep this guide handy for hassle-free desktop posting, and continue showing your world through Instagram, whether you’re on-the-move or at your desk.

Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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