How to Stop Chrome from Popping Up on Windows Startup

Are you frustrated with Google Chrome spontaneously launching when you boot up your Windows 10 computer? You’re not alone. Chrome’s persistence can be both unexpected and unwelcome, especially if you prefer a clean and swift startup. Fortunately, this article will guide you through the steps to break Chrome’s uncommanded appearances upon system startup.

Understanding Chrome’s Auto-Launch

Google Chrome is a widely favored web browser for its speed and ease-of-use, but it does have quirks, such as opening automatically when you start your Windows 10 device. We will explore causes of this behavior and offer proven solutions to keep Chrome in check. Identifying reasons why Chrome launches on its own, we will present techniques to manage and prevent this from happening, including adjusting Chrome’s settings, tinkering with the Windows Registry (for advanced users), and even addressing potential malware interference.

Disabling Auto-Start Features

Primarily, we’ll discuss how to tweak Chrome’s in-built settings to prevent it from reviving past sessions or running background apps that trigger its startup. Another aspect covers the intricacies of Windows settings that directly influence Chrome’s behavior on startup. From the Task Manager to the Startup folder, we’ll ensure you have all the information to maintain control over your programs.

Proactive Measures and Solutions

Exploring the subject of preventing Chrome’s automatic startup in Windows 10, we include advanced solutions such as editing the Windows Registry—a process that should be conducted with caution and is advisable only for more experienced users. Similarly, we will guide you through creating a specific task that automatically shuts down Chrome if it dares to launch on system startup.

Malware Considerations

Moreover, we acknowledge the possibility of malware playing a part in your troubled startup experience. Should any of the aforementioned solutions fall short, we will suggest how to effectively scan for and remove malicious software that may have hitched a ride with Chrome, causing erratic startup behavior.


By the end of this article, you’ll not only have reclaimed control over your Windows 10 startup sequence but also gained a deeper understanding of how Chrome interacts with your system. These comprehensive steps aim to ensure a smoother and more manageable boot-up experience, without having Google Chrome intrude unexpectedly.


Q: Can I still use Google Chrome normally after disabling its auto-launch?

A: Absolutely! Disabling Chrome’s automatic startup does not deter its functionality. You can continue browsing as usual, with the added benefit of controlling when the browser opens.

Q: What should I do if Google Chrome still launches at startup despite following all the steps?

A: If Chrome consistently opens at startup, you may need additional technical investigation. Consider performing a system-wide malware scan and, if necessary, seeking support from a professional technician.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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