How to Recover Hacked Instagram Account

In this article we will try to teach you how to Recover Hacked Instagram Account. Instagram is a popular social app with a focus on photo and video sharing. It has been around since 2010 and has maintained a high profile by adding innovative new features like Instagram Stories, Shopping, Instagram Reels and more that helps you to get more Likes on Instagram, you can even sell on Instagram and use Instagram hashtags to increase Instagram followers . Instagram is a free social networking service based on photo and video sharing. It first launched on iPhone in October 2010 and became available on Android in April 2012. Facebook bought the service in April 2012 and has owned it ever since.

Like most social media apps, Instagram allows you to follow users you are interested in. This creates a feed on your homepage that shows the latest posts from everyone you follow. You can like, comment and share posts. Instagram is vital for designers as it serves as a marketing and networking tool that is key to attracting new customers.

So if you get hacked, it is important to recover your Instagram account as soon as possible. There are few things quite as panicky as realizing you’ve been banned from your Instagram account. Unfortunately, Instagram hacks have increased every year since 2016. In the last year alone, there were more than a million cases of social media account takeovers (ATO) – almost double the number of the year before. Below we have mention the steps to fix Hacked Instagram Account.

Recover Hacked Instagram Account

Step 1: Go to the login page and tap “Forgot Password” (iPhones) or “Get help logging in” (Androids)

Step 2: You then need to enter your username, phone number, or email address, then tap “Next”

Step 3: Choose your phone number or email address as your preferred option to receive your login link to then tap “Send Login Link” or “Next”

Step 4: Find the login link that was sent to your phone via text message or email

Step 5: Click on the link and follow the instructions

Recover Your Instagram Account With a Security Code

Step 1: On the Instagram login page, click Forgot password? (iOS) or Get help with signing in (Android).

Step 2: At the bottom of the next screen, click Need More Help?

Step 3: Select an email address or a phone number where you want to receive the security code from Instagram. Then click Send Security Code.

Step 4: On the next screen, enter the code from the message and click Confirm.

Report The Hacked Account To Instagram

If you are unable to recover your password because the hacker changed it too quickly, the next step is to report it directly to Instagram. On their website, you fill out a form with all your account information, select My account has been hacked, and then click Get Support. If you receive feedback from Instagram, you will need to verify your identity for an extra security measure. The process looks like this:

Step 1: You will be sent a code directly from the site.

Step 2: They will have you take a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with the code (usually they prefer this to be a selfie).

Step 3: They will also have you show the original email address or phone number that you used for the account.

Step 4: Finally, Instagram will verify that you are in fact the user of the account by comparing the photo with your Instagram photos.

Final Words

We hope our article on how to recover Instagram account that has been hacked will help you and resolve all your problems. Instagram is one of the best social media site currently and obviously you have so my personal data in it, but what if you wake up in the morning and find out that your Instagram account is hacked. And if you don’t know how to recover from it then don’t worry above we have mention the steps through which you can recover your hacked Instagram account.

I hope you understand this article, How to Recover Hacked Instagram Account.

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