Guide to Managing Your Instagram Followers

Are you looking to tidy up your Instagram follower list? Whether it’s about enhancing your privacy or simply decluttering your digital space, our step-by-step guide will empower you to skillfully curate your followers on the Instagram app. Stay informed and take control of your social media presence with our updated instructions tailored to help you navigate this process effortlessly.

Cleaning Up Your Instagram Follower List

Now, let’s delve into the specifics of removing followers on Instagram. This procedure can help you get rid of inactive accounts or remove followers who no longer align with your content or values. Follow these easy steps to refresh your follower base with purpose and precision.

Step-by-Step: How to Remove Followers on the Instagram Mobile App

  • Begin by opening the Instagram app and navigating to your profile;
  • Tap on your follower count to view the list of people following you;
  • Locate the follower you wish to remove and tap on the three dots beside their name;
  • Select ‘Remove’ from the menu to delete them from your followers.

If you’re aiming to not only remove but also block a follower to prevent them from re-following or viewing your content:

  • Within your follower list, tap on the username of the follower you want to block;
  • Press the three dots in the top corner of their profile;
  • Choose the ‘Block’ option;
  • Confirm your decision to block the user.

Rest assured, Instagram keeps this action discreet. The removed or blocked individuals won’t be notified, and your content will no longer populate their feeds. Plus, they won’t be able to find your account via search if blocked.


Curating your Instagram follower list helps maintain a digital environment that reflects your personal or brand aesthetics. This guide simplifies the process, ensuring you can manage your followers without hassle. Remember to revisit your follower list periodically to keep it aligned with your evolving social media objectives.


Q: What happens when I remove a follower on Instagram?

A: When you remove a follower, they are no longer able to see your posts or stories on their feed. They can, however, still view your profile and posts if your account is public.

Q: Is there a limit to how many followers I can remove or block on Instagram?

A: Instagram has not specified a limit to the number of followers you can remove or block. You can curate your followers as you see fit.

With the strategies highlighted in this article, you’re now equipped to optimize your Instagram experience. Keeping your follower list clean and relevant can contribute positively to your social media engagement and overall digital wellbeing.

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Editorial Staff
The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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