Guide to Deleting a Teacher Account on ClassDojo

If you’re navigating the challenges of managing your digital presence as an educator, understanding how to maintain or delete online accounts is crucial. Here’s a practical and updated guide to help you delete a teacher account on ClassDojo, simplifying the process for teachers, parents, and school leaders alike.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deleting Your ClassDojo Teacher Account

There are many reasons why you might need to delete a teacher account from ClassDojo. Whether you’ve opened the wrong type of account or your teaching needs have changed, follow these straightforward steps to delete your ClassDojo teacher account confidently.

Keep in mind that ClassDojo offers several different account types, including those for teachers, students, parents, and school leaders, each with a unique sign-up process. Parents who have unintentionally created a teacher account, as well as teachers who wish to close their accounts, can follow this guide.

Deleting Your Account via the ClassDojo Website:

  1. Sign in to your ClassDojo account and click on your name in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Navigate to “Account Settings.”
  3. Go to the “Advanced” tab.
  4. Locate the “Delete Account” section and click the “Delete” button.
  5. Confirm your password to finalize the deletion of your account.

Alternatives to Account Deletion:

Before opting for account deletion, consider if switching between parent and teacher accounts may serve your purpose, as ClassDojo allows for easy transitioning between these roles without loss of data or contacts.


Removing a teacher account on ClassDojo is a straightforward process thanks to the platform’s user-friendly interface. By following the steps above, you can ensure your online teaching presence reflects your current circumstances.


Q: What should I consider before deleting my ClassDojo teacher account?

A: Consider whether you need to save any student data or communication records before deleting your account. Deletion is permanent, so ensure you have all necessary information backed up elsewhere.

Q: Can I recover my ClassDojo teacher account after deletion?

A: Once deleted, the account cannot be recovered. Therefore, be certain before proceeding with the deletion process.

By prioritizing clarity and convenience, this article effectively provides educators with the knowledge required to manage their ClassDojo accounts, ultimately contributing to an organized digital teaching environment.

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