Complete Guide on Uninstalling iTunes from Your MacBook

If you find yourself needing to remove iTunes from your MacBook, perhaps to troubleshoot or perhaps because you’ve transitioned to newer media apps, this comprehensive guide will assist you. While removing most applications from macOS is straightforward, iTunes is more ingrained and thus requires additional steps. Whether you’re looking to refresh your macOS with a clean install of iTunes or you simply no longer require the application, the following steps will ensure a thorough removal.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Uninstall iTunes from MacBook

It’s important to note that iTunes has been replaced by individual apps for music, podcasts, and TV with the introduction of macOS Catalina (10.15) and later versions. For users running these versions or later, this process would involve managing these individual apps rather than iTunes. Now, let’s get on with the removal process for systems where iTunes is still present.

Step 1: Quit iTunes Properly

To start, you need to ensure that iTunes is completely shut down and isn’t running any background processes. You can do this using the Activity Monitor:

  • Open Spotlight Search using Command + Space.
  • Type “Activity Monitor” and select the app when it appears.
  • In the Activity Monitor, locate any processes related to iTunes and terminate them by clicking on the ‘X’ button at the top.

Now that iTunes is closed, you can move on to deleting the application.

Step 2: Delete iTunes Application

To remove iTunes, you’ll leverage the Terminal:

  • Again, open Spotlight Search and type in “Terminal”.
  • In Terminal, type the command:
cd /Applications/
sudo rm -rf

You might be prompted to enter your administrator password to confirm your action.

Step 3: Clear Out iTunes Leftovers

With the application deleted, next is to remove any residual iTunes files:

  • Open Terminal and navigate to the Preferences folder:
cd ~/Library/Preferences

(Make sure to replace ‘~’ with your actual user directory if necessary)

  • Delete iTunes preference files by using the ‘rm’ command with a wildcard (*) to target all iTunes related files:

Additionally, check for and delete any remaining iTunes-related folders in your Library. Perform a final sweep in the following directories:

  • ~/Library/
  • ~/Library/Caches/
  • ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/

If the iTunes icon persists in your Applications folder or Launchpad, restart your MacBook to finalize the uninstallation.


By following the above steps carefully, you should have successfully uninstalled iTunes from your MacBook, paving the way for a clean reinstatement of the application or freeing your system from an app you no longer utilize. Always remember that the manipulation of system-level applications should be done with caution and understanding.


Q: What is the difference between uninstalling and simply deleting an application like iTunes?

A: Uninstalling involves removing not only the application itself but also any related configuration files and settings. Simply deleting the app often leaves behind residual files that may take up space or cause conflicts.

Q: How can I reinstall iTunes if my macOS already uses the separated entertaining apps?

A: For macOS Catalina and later versions, iTunes is no longer supported as Apple has replaced it with separate apps. However, if you’re using an earlier macOS version, you can reinstall iTunes by downloading it from the Apple website or restoring it from a backup.

This updated content ensures you’re dealing with the most current macOS considerations and offers a user-friendly guide that aligns with contemporary SEO best practices.

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