Updating Paint in Windows: From Paint 3D Back to Classic Paint

Are you a fan of the traditional Paint application in Windows but found yourself facing the new Paint 3D after the Windows 10 Creators update? Don’t worry; this article will guide you on a seamless transition back to the beloved Classic Paint, even in the most recent iterations of Windows 10 or higher.

Restoring Classic Paint After the Windows 10 Creators Update

Advanced users of Windows are often excited to trial new features and applications before they become mainstream. However, the thrill can sometimes come with unexpected changes. For example, the Creators Update for Windows users introduced Paint 3D, a modern twist to the classic Paint app. Paint 3D offers creative 3D capabilities, but some may find it lacks the simplicity and ease of use that the classic Paint offers for quick edits and sketches. If you are one of those who prefer the Classic Paint interface, follow along as we guide you through restoring the traditional app on your system.

Steps to Revert to the Classic Paint Application

Reinstating the Classic Paint app in Windows 10 is a hidden secret that Microsoft didn’t advertise. While it may appear that Classic Paint has been completely replaced by Paint 3D, it is actually just tucked away. Here’s how you can restore the Classic Paint app.

  • Press the Start button, type “regedit” to open the Registry Editor. Remember to run it as an administrator.
  • Navigate to the following path: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppletsPaintSettings. You can copy and paste this into the Registry Editor’s address bar for quick access.
  • If a “Settings” key doesn’t exist within “Paint,” create one by right-clicking on “Paint,” selecting “New > Key,” and naming it “Settings.”
  • Within the “Settings” key, create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value named “Disable Modern Paint Bootstrap.”
  • Set the value of “Disable Modern Paint Bootstrap” to 0. This ensures that Windows uses the Classic Paint application.
  • Close the Registry Editor and launch Paint like you usually would; it will now default to the Classic version of Paint.

Note: Tinkering with the registry can be risky, so please make sure you have backed up your registry and understand the ramifications before proceeding.

Conclusion on Switching Back to Classic Paint in Windows

This guide is designed for those who prefer the streamlined, user-friendly interface of Classic Paint. Following these steps, you can quickly restore the nostalgia and functionality of the version you know and love. Whether you’re editing screenshots, creating simple graphics, or indulging in pixel art, Classic Paint remains an indispensable tool for many Windows users.


Q: What if I prefer the features of Paint 3D?

A: If you like Paint 3D, you can continue using it as your primary image editing tool. The steps above are optional and for users who prefer the Classic Paint interface.

Q: Will these changes affect other applications or system stability?

A: Reverting to Classic Paint should not affect other applications or your system’s overall stability. However, always exercise caution when modifying system settings or the registry.

In sum, for users who value the straightforward, traditional MS Paint experience, knowing how to revert to the Classic version adds another layer of control over their operating environment. Remember to work carefully with system settings and enjoy the simplicity and familiarity of Classic Paint on your modern Windows system.

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