Essential Guide to Resizing Windows and Mastering Cloud Navigation

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on altering window sizes and skillfully maneuvering through cloud environments. We’ve refreshed this tutorial to bring you the latest insights and techniques. If you find this blog, Essential Guide to Resizing Windows and Mastering Cloud Navigation, beneficial, please consider sharing it to help others learn more about these crucial skills.

Understanding Window Resizing and Cloud Navigation

Mastering the resize function for remote cloud PCs through the admin center is pivotal for managing your hardware configurations efficiently. Adjusting the specifications like RAM, CPU, and storage space for Windows 365 Cloud PCs is made possible through the Cloud PC Resize feature. This involves changing the Azure VM SKU, which affects the performance capacities of your Cloud PCs, a process maintained by Microsoft. It significantly reduces administrative workload — a stark contrast to the complicated nature of resizing in Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), where multiple SKU types in a host pool create complexities.

Locating the Cloud PC Resizing Feature

Identifying the cloud PC resizing option can be straightforward, especially when it’s conveniently accessible from the Windows 365 node within the Endpoint Manager admin center portal. Although it’s not currently situated there, let’s explore a more efficient way for administrators to find and use this feature.

  • Begin by accessing the MEM Admin Center portal at
  • Direct yourself to the Devices section, then proceed to the Windows 365 area.
  • Select the tab All Cloud PCs to view the entire list of cloud PCs available to you.
  • To modify the SKU or resize, choose the specific Cloud PC from this list.

Upon selecting a cloud PC, you will be directed to its overview page within the MEM admin center portal. This page showcases all remote actions, including the option to Resize, which is currently in public preview.

  • Click the Resize action to bring up size options for the cloud PC.
  • Select a preferred configuration, such as the 2vCPU – 8 GB -> 256 GB SKU, from the options.
  • Initiate the resize by hitting the Resize button. A system restart will be necessary to apply changes.

Conclusion: Seamlessly Resizing Windows and Navigating the Cloud

By embracing the steps outlined in our guide, resizing cloud environments and adapting to different operational needs becomes an effortless endeavor. We aim for this tutorial, Essential Guide to Resizing Windows and Mastering Cloud Navigation, to leave you more confident and equipped to optimize your cloud-based operations.


Q: What is the main advantage of using the cloud PC resize feature?

A: The cloud PC resize feature simplifies virtual machine SKU modifications, reducing the administrative burden and streamlining cloud management.

Q: Is a restart required after resizing a cloud PC?

A: Yes, a system restart is necessary to implement the new hardware configuration changes.

Thank you for reading, and we sincerely hope you share this guide to assist others in navigating the complexities of cloud management and window resizing with ease.

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