Recovering a Deleted Windows 10 Administrator Account: A Guide

Accidentally deleted your Windows 10 administrator account and need to regain access? Don’t worry; restoring your administrator privileges is straightforward if you follow the right steps. This guide will provide you with the necessary solutions to restore your deleted Windows 10 Administrator account.

In Windows 10, there are mainly two types of user accounts: Standard and Administrator. While it’s recommended to use your computer with a Standard account for daily tasks, the Administrator account holds the key for critical system changes. Losing access to this can seem daunting, but rest assured, restoring or replacing a deleted Administrator account can be tackled with a few strategic moves.

Methods to Recover a Deleted Administrator Account in Windows 10

Creating a New Administrator Account

  • Open Settings by pressing Windows key + I.
  • Navigate to the ‘Accounts’ section.
  • In the sidebar, select ‘Family & other users’.
  • Under ‘Other users,’ click on ‘Add someone else to this PC.’
  • Enter the new user’s details, including username and password, and proceed with the prompts.
  • Once the account is created, click on ‘Change account type.’
  • Choose ‘Administrator’ from the dropdown to grant administrative privileges.
  • If necessary, disable the previous Administrator account.
  • Reboot your PC and sign in with the new Administrator account credentials.

Enabling the Built-in Administrator Account

  • Type ‘cmd’ in the search bar.
  • From the search results, right-click on Command Prompt and select ‘Run as administrator.’
  • Type ‘net user administrator /active:yes’ and press Enter.
  • Grant administrative rights to your current account with ‘net localgroup administrators [YourUserName] /add’—replace [YourUserName] with your actual username.
  • Deactivate the built-in Administrator account after you’re done, using ‘net user administrator /active:no.’

Troubleshooting Issues with Command Prompt Access

  • If you’re unable to access the Command Prompt as an administrator, restart your computer while holding the Shift key.
  • From the options presented, navigate to ‘Troubleshoot,’ then ‘Advanced options,’ and select ‘Command Prompt.’
  • Perform the steps previously mentioned to activate the built-in Administrator account.

Utilizing Local Security Policy

  • Search for ‘Local Security Policy’ in the Windows search bar.
  • In the Local Security Policy window, expand ‘Local Policies’ and select ‘Security Options.’
  • Double-click on ‘Accounts: Administrator account status’ and ensure it is set to ‘Enabled.’


Regaining control after accidentally deleting a Windows 10 Administrator account is achievable through these methods. With careful attention and step-by-step execution, you can restore access and continue managing your system effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the possible risks of not having an Administrator account on Windows 10?

A: Without an Administrator account, you will be unable to make significant changes to your system settings, install or uninstall software, and perform tasks that require elevated permissions, which can hinder system management and troubleshooting.

Q: Can these steps be used to restore deleted Administrator accounts on other versions of Windows?

A: While these steps are tailored for Windows 10, some processes may be similar for other versions of Windows. However, it’s important to check specific instructions for each Windows version, as there may be differences.

Remember, keeping your operating system updated is crucial for security and functionality. This guide utilizes Windows 10 as the basis for recovery methods, but always consider upgrading to the latest available version of Windows to take advantage of new features and improvements.

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