Elevate Your Data Handling with Apache Kafka on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux

Unleashing the robust capabilities of Apache Kafka on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux can transform your data streaming and message brokerage. Apache Kafka excels in managing vast streams of data, surpassing other brokers like ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ in terms of performance. Its versatility extends beyond real-time data streaming, providing persistent storage for distributed message systems.

Guided Installation and Setup of Apache Kafka

Ready to harness Apache Kafka’s power on AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux 8? Let’s embark on this journey, step by step.

Initial Preparations:

  • Preferred OS: Opt for Rocky Linux 8 or later
  • Administrator Access: Secure a user account with sudo or root privileges

Step 1 – System Update:

Always start by refreshing your system to get the latest package updates:

sudo dnf update && sudo dnf upgrade -y

Step 2 – Java Installation:

Apache Kafka operates on Java. Install the required version promptly:

sudo dnf install java-11-openjdk-devel -y

Step 3 – Deploying Apache Kafka:

Proceed with these steps to install Apache Kafka on your machine:

sudo dnf install wget

cd /opt

sudo wget https://downloads.apache.org/kafka/latest/kafka_2.13-latest.tgz

sudo tar -xzf kafka_2.13-latest.tgz

sudo rm kafka_2.13-latest.tgz

sudo mv kafka_2.13-[latest_version] kafka

Step 4 – Launch Apache Kafka Services:

It’s time to initialize Apache Kafka services using the commands below:

cd /opt/kafka

sudo bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

Step 5 – Verifying the Apache Kafka Setup:

Testing is crucial. Create a Kafka topic to ensure everything is operational:

sudo bin/kafka-topics.sh –create –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –replication-factor 1 –partitions 1 –topic test

Create a producer to send messages:

sudo bin/kafka-console-producer.sh –broker-list localhost:9092 –topic test

And a consumer to receive them:

sudo bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic test –from-beginning


We’ve now completed the journey of installing and configuring Apache Kafka on AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux 8. With these instructions, your setup is ready to handle massive amounts of data and bring efficiency to your real-time data management tasks.

FAQs: Unveiling More about Apache Kafka

Q: Is Apache Kafka compatible across different Linux distributions?

A: Absolutely, Apache Kafka is versatile enough to be installed on a variety of Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, besides AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux.

Q: Which Java version is required for Apache Kafka?

A: Ensure your system is equipped with Java 8 or a newer version to smoothly run Apache Kafka.

Q: What are the primary uses of Apache Kafka?

A: Apache Kafka shines in constructing real-time streaming data pipelines, analytics, integrating data, and addressing large-scale data challenges.

Q: Can Apache Kafka operate as a single-server system?

A: Yes, while it can scale up to a large cluster, Apache Kafka also supports running on a solitary machine, suitable for small setups or development environments.

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