Setting Up OpenLiteSpeed on Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of web servers, where speed and performance are kings of the digital domain. Today, we explore the power of OpenLiteSpeed, the open-source sibling of the LiteSpeed Web Server, known for its performance and scalability. Perfect for handling dynamic websites with efficiency, this guide is tailored for those using Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux, especially versions that are up-to-date and actively supported. Let’s dive into the quick and easy steps to install and configure OpenLiteSpeed for an improved web hosting experience.

Getting Started: Requirements for Installation

  • An actively supported version of Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux
  • User account with sudo or root privileges
  • Stable internet connection

Installation Roadmap

  • System update and prerequisite checks
  • Integration of OpenLiteSpeed repository
  • OpenLiteSpeed installation on your Linux distribution
  • PHP installation and configuration updates
  • MySQL setup and security measures
  • Administrative panel setup for OpenLiteSpeed
  • Adjusting firewall settings for accessibility
  • Initial testing of the OpenLiteSpeed server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Exactly Is OpenLiteSpeed?

OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, scalable, open-source web server which boasts a user-friendly web interface and supports the latest web technologies, ideal for streamlining the delivery of content across the internet.

Why Install PHP and MySQL With OpenLiteSpeed?

Installing PHP and MySQL alongside OpenLiteSpeed ensures a robust environment for supporting dynamic content, such as websites built on content management systems like WordPress, enabling interactive features to function seamlessly.

Steps to Configure the OpenLiteSpeed Administrative Panel

To gain access to OpenLiteSpeed’s powerful administrative panel, initialize its setup through this command: /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ It will prompt you to create a login for management purposes.

Verifying OpenLiteSpeed’s Proper Functionality

Confirm that OpenLiteSpeed is operational by accessing your server’s IP address on port 8088: http://[Your_Server_IP]:8088. For admin access, use port 7080: http://[Your_Server_IP]:7080.

Wrapping Up

You are now equipped to harness the speedy prowess of OpenLiteSpeed on your Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux server. Should you face any snags or hurdles along your setup journey, community forums and official support channels offer a wealth of knowledge and assistance. Share this guide to help others venture into the realm of highly efficient web hosting with OpenLiteSpeed.

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