How to Send Group Messages from iPhone/Android: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Text messaging is a popular way to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues. However, sending the same message to multiple people can be tedious and time-consuming. That’s where group messaging comes in handy. In this article, we will guide you on how to send group messages from iPhone and Android devices.

Group Messaging on Android

  • Create a default group for your contacts by tapping on the Contacts icon and then the Groups icon.
  • Type in a group name, save it, and add contacts by tapping on the group and selecting the Add Contact option.
  • Open the Message app, select the Contact icon, and choose the group to send the message.
  • Write your message and hit send!

Group Messaging on iPhone

  • Open the Messages app and tap the Compose new message icon.
  • Type in the phone numbers or email IDs of the recipients, write your message, and hit send.
  • Use iCloud to create a group by logging into, clicking on the Contacts icon, and selecting New Group.
  • Add contacts to the group by dragging their names and dropping them into the new group.
  • Open the Contact app, tap on groups, and choose the newly created group.


  • Can you add or remove participants from a group message? Yes, you can add or remove participants from a group message, depending on the device you’re using.
  • What’s the maximum number of people you can add to a group message? The maximum number of people you can add to a group message depends on the device and carrier.
  • Do all group message recipients see each other’s responses? Yes, all group message recipients can see each other’s responses.
  • Can you name a group message? Yes, you can name a group message by creating a custom group name using iCloud.

Final Remarks

We hope this tutorial on how to send group messages from iPhone and Android devices was helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family


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