How to Build Your Own NAS with Linux and Raspberry Pi

Create your own Network Attached Storage (NAS) using the Linux-based Raspberry Pi. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps required to set up an efficient and cost-effective NAS solution for your data storage needs. Learn alongside today’s technology, leveraging the prowess of the Raspberry Pi 4’s latest features.

Creating a Personal NAS with Raspberry Pi 4: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you struggling to manage the digital clutter of photos, videos, documents, and media files on your devices? Looking for an affordable way to set up a reliable network storage solution without breaking the bank? In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a personal NAS server with the help of a Raspberry Pi 4, capitalizing on its enhanced performance, USB 3.0 ports, and Gigabit Ethernet.

Additionally, I recommend you check out our recent insights on NAS and RAID in edge server applications for a more holistic understanding.

Assembling a Raspberry Pi NAS

Once you’ve accumulated the necessary hardware components, shift your focus to installing the software that will drive your NAS. OpenMediaVault, a free and open-source solution, is a frequently chosen system for its GPL-licensed software, incorporating a web interface that allows for easy administration of services such as SSH, (S)FTP, RSync, and a BitTorrent client.

Installation Steps for OpenMediaVault

  • With another computer at hand, download the OpenMediaVault image file for Raspberry Pi models from the official SourceForge repository.
  • Use a tool like Etcher to flash the software image onto a microSD card.

Initializing Your Raspberry Pi NAS

  • Connect a monitor and keyboard to the Raspberry Pi and boot it using the microSD card.
  • Login to OpenMediaVault’s shell using the default credentials:
  • Username: root
    Password: openmediavault

  • Switch the keyboard layout if necessary to match your localization.

Configuring Administrative Access

  • Change the root password to secure shell access to your NAS:
  • passwd

  • Reboot the Raspberry Pi and log into the web interface using its IP address and these credentials:
  • Username: admin
    Password: openmediavault

  • For enhanced security, configure the web interface to use HTTPS by creating an SSL certificate through the OpenMediaVault interface.

Connecting Storage Devices to Your NAS

  • Attach your storage media to the Raspberry Pi—this should appear within the “Real Hard Drives” section of OpenMediaVault’s interface.
  • Create and mount file systems for new storage devices and configure shared folders through the web interface.

Setting Up File Sharing

For user access to storage, enable file sharing on the NAS. You can use a variety of protocols supported by OpenMediaVault, such as SMB/CIFS (Windows), NFS (Linux), and AFP (Apple).


Building a NAS with a Raspberry Pi and Linux is an empowering project that delivers a practical and customizable storage solution. With this setup, you’ll enjoy the flexibility and control over your data, ensuring it’s stored safely and accessible across your network.


Q: What advantages does setting up a NAS with Raspberry Pi offer?

A: A Raspberry Pi NAS provides a cost-effective, customizable, and compact solution for network storage that can be tailored to meet specific needs.

Q: Is OpenMediaVault compatible with the latest Raspberry Pi models?

A: Yes, OpenMediaVault supports the most recent Raspberry Pi models, offering a stable and feature-rich platform for NAS setups.

By adopting the latest technology and Raspberry Pi versions in the article and providing clear, SEO-friendly content, we aim to make the subject matter informative and accessible, guaranteeing a helpful and enjoyable reading experience.

Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi as a NAS Storage Solution

Embarking on a DIY project like transforming your Raspberry Pi into a Network Attached Storage (NAS) server is an excellent way to repurpose this versatile device. Below, we’ll guide you through the necessary steps to upcycle your Raspberry Pi into a centralized storage hub for your home or office network.

The journey begins with selecting appropriate storage options for your Raspberry Pi NAS and organizing your data efficiently. This phase is vital for ensuring that your information is stored logically on the server.

Next, we’ll dive into creating user profiles to allow secure access to the Raspberry Pi NAS server. This step is crucial for managing who can see and alter data within your network.

Further on, we go into the nitty-gritty of enabling different access services on your Raspberry Pi NAS to ensure seamless connectivity for all users, irrespective of their operating system.

Step-by-Step Guide to Network Connectivity and User Management

  • Adding storage and organizing your directories is your first move. Ensure you structure your shared folders thoughtfully, with a clear naming convention that makes navigation intuitive for all users.
  • Setting up user profiles in the ‘User’ section is next on your list. Here, you’ll define access rights, letting users modify their login details if necessary.
  • When you’re ready to define the means of data communication, consider the protocols your users will need. Whether it’s SSH for Linux aficionados or SMB for Windows veterans, ensure the services you enable cater to your user base effectively.

Initiating Connection to Your Raspberry Pi NAS Server

  • With the Raspberry Pi prepped and primed as a NAS server, it’s time for users to establish their connections. We’ll explain how Linux or Ubuntu users can easily connect via their file manager, as well as providing a simple connection method for Windows users via Explorer.

Conclusion: Unleashing the Power of a Raspberry Pi-Based NAS

In wrapping up this DIY tutorial, it’s our hope that you now feel equipped to turn your Raspberry Pi into a fully functional NAS server. “How To Set Up Own NAS With Linux And Raspberry Pi” is more than a guide; it’s the beginning of a new relationship with your data, characterized by seamless access and sound security.


Q: What storage configuration do you recommend for a Raspberry Pi NAS setup?

A: For a Raspberry Pi NAS setup, it’s best to utilize a USB storage solution like an external hard drive for significant capacity or a solid-state drive (SSD) for faster access times. Ensure your storage is formatted correctly and allocated with directory structures that reflect your data organization needs.

Q: Can I access my Raspberry Pi NAS server from different operating systems?

A: Absolutely! With suitable protocols like SMB/CIFS enabled, you can access your Raspberry Pi NAS from various operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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