Ultimate Guide to Installing Tails for a Secure, Anonymous Computing Experience

Embrace the world of secure computing with Tails, a revolutionary portable operating system that ensures your privacy. In this updated guide, we delve into the effortless setup of Tails to transform your online safety. Whether you’re a privacy enthusiast or just looking for added security, this article lays down the straightforward steps you need to follow.

Your First Steps Towards Enhanced Privacy with Tails OS

Privacy concerns are mounting in our digital age, prompting many to seek robust solutions that protect their digital footprint. Enter Tails OS: a comprehensive answer for those who prioritize privacy above all else. This Linux-based operating system is engineered to leave zero traces once you disconnect, acting as your digital cloak of invisibility.

The Essentials of Setting Up Tails

  1. Understanding Tails: The Amnesic Incognito Live System, aptly named for its amnesia-like quality, forgets all user activity as soon as it’s unplugged. It’s built from Debian Linux and is compatible with many computers from the last ten years.

  2. Preparation: Start by securing a USB drive with at least 8 GB capacity. With your USB at the ready, visit the Tails download page and choose the appropriate operating system from which you’re setting it up.

  3. Download and Transfer: Follow the on-screen instructions to download a USB image file (approximately 1GB in size) and use Etcher (or a similar utility suggested by the Tails installation guide) to transfer it onto your USB drive.

  4. Ready to Boot: Once the setup is finished, Tails can be booted from nearly any 64-bit PC that has a USB port. Keep in mind, however, the compatibility with the newest Mac systems with M1 chips isn’t guaranteed.

  5. Minimum Requirements: The host computer should have a minimum of 2GB of RAM and be free from viruses or malware to ensure a safe and smooth user experience.

  1. The most challenging step might be configuring the host PC to boot from the USB stick instead of its primary hard drive. Tails provides comprehensive instructions to navigate this process, ensuring a hassle-free setup.

  2. For Windows users, it involves restarting with the Shift key pressed and selecting the USB drive with Tails from the boot options. Mac users will hold the Option key during startup and also select the Tails USB drive when prompted.

  3. Upon successfully booting Tails, you’ll find its interface simple yet effective. It’s structured to prioritize security over aesthetics. Connect to a Wi-Fi network if needed and explore applications like the Tor browser, email clients, and more from the Applications menu.

  4. When you’re finished with your private computing session, simply restart the computer to return to the default operating system. Remove the Tails USB drive and rest assured that your activities have left no trace on the host machine.


Tails offers an unrivaled layer of security for those seeking anonymity in their digital interactions. By following this guide, you’re now equipped to set up and run Tails confidently, harnessing its power for a safe browsing experience every time. We hope this article, “How to set up Tails for secure, private and portable OS,” has served as a beacon of knowledge, illuminating the path to privacy protection.


Q: What is the primary benefit of using Tails OS?

A: Tails OS ensures that no digital traces of your activities are left on the computer after use, offering an unparalleled level of privacy and security.

Q: Can Tails OS be used on any computer?

A: Tails can be used on most 64-bit computers with at least 2GB of RAM; however, the latest Mac computers with M1 chips might not be supported.

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