Engage in Live Conversations: Starting a Twitter Space on Your Smartphone

Delve into the realm of live audio discussions with Twitter Spaces—an exciting feature available for both Android and iOS users. This virtual room offers an engaging platform to broadcast your voice and exchange ideas in real-time with a global audience. Whether you aim to host interactive talks, share insights, or simply connect with followers, Twitter Spaces is your go-to stage for meaningful conversations.

Initiating Twitter Spaces on iOS Devices

Embark on your audio adventure on an iPhone by long-pressing the Tweet Compose button—conveniently located at the bottom-right corner of the Twitter app. Opt for ‘Spaces’ on the emerging menu, give your space a compelling title, and hit ‘Start your space’ to begin broadcasting.

Alternatively, for quick access, go to the Fleet section at the top of your Twitter timeline, tap your profile photo with the ‘Add’ icon, and swipe to the Spaces option. Input the desired title for your space, then tap ‘Start your space’ to go live to your audience.

Launching Twitter Spaces on Android

Android enthusiasts can also join the live audio wave by tapping on the Tweet Compose icon, choosing ‘Spaces’ from the pop-up menu, naming their space, and then tapping ‘Start your space’. Before initiating, ensure that you’ve granted the Twitter app microphone permissions to facilitate smooth audio transmission.

After creating your space, you’re in full control to designate speakers, customize settings, and share your space with a broader community, fine-tuning the session to your preferences.


Q: Who can tune into my Twitter Space?

Twitter Spaces are inclusive platforms allowing any user, whether they follow you or not, to join as a listener. If you wish to curate your audience, you also have the option to directly invite up to 10 listeners through a shared link.

Q: Is it possible to moderate speakers in my Twitter Space?

Yes, moderating your space is manageable and encouraged. You have the ability to specify who can contribute vocally, from those who follow you to individuals personally invited. Listeners interested in speaking can signal their intent by tapping the ‘request’ icon adjacent to the microphone, but you retain the authority to allow or retract speaking privileges.


Twitter Spaces opens up a world of possibilities for live audio engagement, whether you’re using an iPhone or an Android device. The process is simple and sets the stage for you to share your voice on a global platform. Spread the word, invite listeners, and lead conversations that could resonate far beyond your expected reach. If you found this guide helpful, share it with peers looking to amplify their presence with the power of their voice.

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