Maximizing Android Battery Life: Preventing Unwanted App Hibernation

Efficient battery usage on smartphones is crucial for mobile users who need to stay connected throughout the day. This guide addresses a lesser-known feature of Android: the automatic ‘sleeping’ or hibernation of apps. While beneficial for saving battery life, it can be problematic when important apps fail to notify you in real-time. Our aim is to help you understand and control this feature, ensuring you never miss urgent notifications from your must-have apps.

Understanding and Managing Background App Hibernation

Has it ever occurred to you that certain apps on your Android device halt their notifications unexpectedly? You might discover that an app has gone into hibernation, a power-saving mechanism that can interrupt your workflow. Here we delve into simple steps you can take to manage which apps remain awake, keeping you connected to timely updates and notifications.

Universal Steps for Most Android Devices

The guidelines provided below are generally applicable to most Android devices operating on Oreo (Android 8.0) or later versions. Please note that certain smartphone brands may have unique battery optimization interfaces and settings.

  • Navigate to the home screen or app launcher and locate the app you wish to manage.
  • Long-press the app icon to access ‘App Info’ through the menu button, typically represented by an ‘i’ in a circle or a similar icon.
  • Within ‘App Info’, find and tap on the ‘Battery’ section.
  • Choose ‘Unrestricted’ or disable optimization to allow the app to operate in the background with minimal limitations.

Once this is set, the selected app should continue running in the background without going to sleep, even after device restarts. To revert any changes, simply revisit the battery optimization menu for the app. Since Android 12 may not provide an exhaustive list of unrestricted apps, keeping track of changes elsewhere can be useful.

Samsung’s One UI: Managing Background Usage

For Samsung devices with One UI, Samsung adds an extra layer of control for specifying which apps should remain awake. This control can take precedence over the general battery optimization settings provided by Android.

  • Follow the aforementioned steps for general Android settings.
  • Access ‘Battery and Device Care’ from the Settings app, and proceed to ‘Battery’.
  • On the battery settings page, navigate to ‘Background usage limits’.
  • To see apps exempt from power saving measures, or to add more, look for ‘Apps that won’t be put to sleep’ and use the ‘Add’ button at the top right.

Xiaomi’s MIUI: Ensuring Continuous App Operation

The MIUI on Xiaomi devices introduces another level of complexity when managing background app activity.

  • Adopt the outlined steps for Android devices at the beginning. Note that labels and options may vary slightly on MIUI.
  • After adjusting the app’s battery settings, open the multitasking view or app switcher while the desired app is active.
  • Press and hold on the app’s thumbnail and select the lock icon or ‘Keep Open’ to prevent the app from being closed during memory optimization.

Final Thoughts: Take Control of Your App Notifications

By understanding how to prevent unwanted app hibernation, you can ensure vital apps stay operational, keeping you in the loop with real-time notifications. We hope this guide empowers you to optimize your Android smartphone for your particular needs.


Q: How can I stop my messaging app from missing urgent notifications?

A: Follow the instructions to exclude your messaging app from battery optimization. This will prevent it from hibernating and ensure you receive notifications without delay.

Q: Will making these changes significantly reduce my battery life?

A: Allowing certain apps to run in the background may have a minor impact on battery life, but for essential apps, the trade-off is often worth staying up-to-date with important information.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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