How to Enable or Disable Shift Lock on the Windows 11/10 Touch Keyboard

Discover the steps to effortlessly manage the Shift Lock feature on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 touch keyboard – perfect for touchscreen device users seeking a more convenient typing experience.

Diving Into the Touch Keyboard Shift Lock

For users with touchscreen devices, Windows 11 and 10 offer a virtual touch keyboard that brings ease and accessibility right to your fingertips. Sometimes, continuously pressing the Shift key can be cumbersome. Enter “Shift Lock” – a handy feature which, when activated, capitalizes all letters, eliminating the need to hold down the Shift key. However, should you find the Shift Lock more of an inconvenience, Windows provides you with an option to disable it.

Let’s explore how to toggle this feature on or off, ensuring your virtual typing is tailored to your preferences.

Disable Shift Lock on Your Touch Keyboard

  • Open the Run dialog with Win + R, type regedit, and hit Enter.
  • Confirm the action by selecting “Yes”.
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftTabletTip1.7.
  • Locate and double-click on the EnableShiftLock DWORD value.
  • To turn off Shift Lock, set the value data to 0.
  • Hit “OK” to save changes.
  • Reboot the Windows Explorer process for the changes to take effect.

Enable Shift Lock on Your Touch Keyboard

  • Press Win + R to jump to the Run prompt.
  • Type in regedit and press Enter.
  • Agree to the prompt by clicking “Yes”.
  • Path your way to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftTabletTip1.7.
  • Right-click on the key labeled 1.7.
  • Choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Name the new DWORD as EnableShiftLock.
  • Double-click it and change the value data to 1 to enable Shift Lock.
  • Click “OK” and restart the Windows Explorer from the Task Manager.

With these straightforward steps, you can customize your virtual keyboard to work with Shift Lock just as you like.


Whether you opt for an always-uppercase approach or prefer tapping the Shift key as needed, adjusting the Shift Lock setting on the Windows touch keyboard is a breeze. Now you’re all set to efficiently toggle between settings, enhancing your typing experience on your touchscreen PC.


Q: How do I access the touch keyboard settings in Windows 11/10?

A: To access the touch keyboard settings, right-click on the taskbar, select “Show touch keyboard button,” then click the keyboard icon that appears in the taskbar. Here you can interact with the touch keyboard and change its layout.

Q: What should I do if I don’t have the EnableShiftLock DWORD in my Registry Editor?

A: If the EnableShiftLock DWORD is missing, you can create it manually in the Registry Editor under the TabletTip 1.7 key. Set the value to 1 to enable Shift Lock or 0 to disable it, and remember to restart the Windows Explorer process afterward.

Updating your digital skills and keeping your knowledge current is essential. Make sure to adapt to the latest Windows versions and enhancements for a seamless user experience.

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