Enabling the Hidden Administrator Account in Windows 10

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on enabling the hidden administrator account in Windows 10. In the journey from prior versions like Windows 7 or Windows 8 to Windows 10, Microsoft has continued to bolster security and user management features. One such feature is the hidden administrator account. This account is, by default, disabled for security reasons, but there are times when you may need to activate it for troubleshooting or advanced management tasks. Let’s dive into the steps to enable this special account and explore its potential uses.

Understanding the Hidden Administrator Account in Windows 10

Windows 10 is equipped with an in-built administrator account that holds the keys to managing the deep-running functionalities of your PC. While this account is not meant for everyday use, it can be indispensable for performing administrative actions without constraint. Unlike regular accounts that might be tethered by user permissions, the administrator account has unrestricted access to modify system settings, manage other user accounts, and troubleshoot software and hardware issues.

Step-by-Step Guide to Activating the Administrator Account

  • Begin by right-clicking the Start menu or pressing the Windows Logo + X key combination on the keyboard. From the pop-up menu, choose ‘Windows PowerShell (Admin)’ or ‘Command Prompt (Admin)’ based on the options presented.
  • In the window labeled ‘Administrator: Command Prompt’ or ‘Administrator: Windows PowerShell’, type the following command: net user administrator /active:yes and press Enter.
  • The response should confirm that the command completed successfully. The hidden administrator account is now active, and you can log in using it.

Tips for Using the Administrator Account Responsibly

Being logged in as an administrator gives you substantial control over the system, so it’s imperative to use this account judiciously. Avoid using the administrator account for routine tasks like browsing the Internet or accessing email, as these activities could expose your system to unnecessary risks. Reserve the use of this account for moments when you need to troubleshoot or adjust system configurations, and always remember to log out or disable it when you’ve completed your tasks.

Also, keep in mind that many organizations enforce strict policies regarding admin account usage, so you should always follow your organization’s IT guidelines when performing such actions.


To wrap up, enabling the hidden administrator account in Windows 10 can be a powerful step when you need complete control over your system. Use the guidelines provided with caution and appreciate the full range of administrative privileges at your disposal. Remember to keep your system security a top priority and revert the administrator account to its disabled state when not in use.


Q: Why would I need to enable the hidden administrator account in Windows 10?

A: Enabling the hidden administrator account can be useful for performing advanced system troubleshooting, configuring settings that require elevated privileges, or recovering from user account issues.

Q: How do I disable the administrator account once I’ve finished using it?

A: To disable the administrator account, open Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt as an administrator and type the command net user administrator /active:no, then press Enter. This will return the account to its secure, disabled state.

Remember to keep your Windows 10 system updated and consider upgrading from older versions like Windows 7 or 8 for improved stability and security. Now you’re ready to take control of your system with an empowered understanding of the hidden administrator account!

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