How to Uninstall Magisk Modules Using TWRP Recovery

Welcome to our guide on how to uninstall Magisk modules using TWRP Recovery! If you’re experiencing issues with your device after installing a Magisk module, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through two different methods to safely and effectively uninstall Magisk modules. Let’s dive in!

Method 1: Uninstall Module Using TWRP Document Manager

If you prefer a user-friendly approach, follow these steps to uninstall a Magisk module via the TWRP Document Manager:

  1. Download the Magisk Module Uninstaller Flashable zip file from the link provided.
  2. Transfer the zip file to your device’s SD card or internal memory using MTP.
  3. Launch TWRP Recovery and tap on the “Install” button.
  4. Select the Magisk module uninstaller zip file you transferred earlier.
  5. Wait for the installation to complete, then go back to the TWRP Home screen.
  6. Tap on the “Advanced” option and choose the “Terminal” option.
  7. Type “uninmod” in the Terminal Box and press Enter. This will mount “/data/adb/magisk.img” to “/dev/tmp/magisk_img”.
  8. Wait for approximately 3 minutes as TWRP loads the modules installed on your device.
  9. You will now see a list of modules. Type the number corresponding to the module you want to uninstall.
  10. Finally, the Magisk module will be completely uninstalled. Wait for another 4 minutes to unmount the partitions.

Method 2: Uninstall Module Using Magisk Manager for Recovery Mode

If you prefer a more flexible approach, you can use the Magisk Manager for Recovery Mode. Here’s how:

  1. Download the Magisk Manager for Recovery Mode zip file on your PC.
  2. Transfer the zip file to your Android device using MTP.
  3. In TWRP Recovery, click on the “Install” button and select the Magisk Manager zip file.
  4. Swipe to install the module.
  5. Go back to TWRP Home and tap on the “Terminal” option to access the Magisk Manager modules.
  6. Type the command “mm” for the first time, or “/data/” for subsequent times.
  7. A list of options will appear, including enabling/disabling modules, listing installed modules, and uninstalling modules.
  8. To uninstall a Magisk module, select the “u” command. It will display the list of modules installed on your device.
  9. Type the name of the module you wish to uninstall and press the Enter button twice.
  10. The selected Magisk module will be completely uninstalled.

More Interesting Info

Magisk is a powerful tool that allows you to enhance your Android device without modifying the system package. It provides full access to various settings and allows you to install modules for further customization. However, sometimes certain modules may not work as expected, causing issues with your device. Uninstalling these modules using TWRP Recovery can help fix such problems.

Remember to always choose modules from trusted sources and read user reviews to ensure compatibility and stability. Regular backups of your device are also recommended to restore in case anything goes wrong.

Stay updated with the latest news and updates in the tech world, as new Magisk modules and improvements are released frequently. Experimenting with different modules can help you optimize your Android device to suit your needs and preferences.

Now that you know how to uninstall Magisk modules using TWRP Recovery, you can confidently explore the world of customization and unlock the full potential of your Android device!

We hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy unmodding!

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