Mastering the People Album in the iOS Photos App

Our photos are more than just pixels on a screen; they’re the snapshots of individuals we cherish and moments we wish to remember. Apple’s Photos app on your iPhone and iPad cleverly categorizes these memories in the People album using facial recognition technology. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with this feature or unsure how to tidy up your albums, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive into organizing and personalizing your People album—ensuring it’s as intuitive and user-friendly as possible.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the People Album on Your iPhone or iPad

The Photos app on your iOS device is an intelligent system that intuitively categorizes images by the faces in them. But even with technological brilliance, sometimes it requires a human touch to perfect. This guide will walk you through tweaking and tailoring your People albums for optimum organization and ease of access.

Getting to Know The People Album in Your Photos App

Identifying and Viewing Faces

  • Open the Photos app on your device.
  • Hit the Albums tab and then choose the People album.
  • Simply select a face to see the full collection of photos featuring that person.
  • To play a video from here, tap the play button.

Naming or Renaming Individuals in the Photos App

  • Inside the Albums tab, navigate to the People album.
  • Select the individual you want to name or rename.
  • Add a name at the top or edit an existing one, then finish by tapping Done.

Favoriting Key Faces for Easy Access

  • Within the Photos app, go to Albums, then People, and choose a person.
  • Scroll and select ‘Favorite this Person’ to spotlight them in your album.

Managing and Removing Faces or Duplicates

  • Select people in the album you wish to delete or merge.
  • Use the ‘Not This Person’ feature to remove incorrect tags or ‘Merge’ to consolidate duplicates.

Adding Unrecognized Faces to Your Album

  • Occasionally, the app may miss someone. Manually add them by scrolling down and tapping ‘Add People.’

Concealing Faces from Your Main Feed

  • Select and hide those individuals you prefer not to display prominently on your main album screen.

Bringing Hidden Faces Back into View

  • Show or hide selected individuals with a few taps in the People album settings.

Incorporating Faces into Memorable Collections

  • In a person’s album, scroll to ‘Add to Memories’ for easily retrievable reminiscing.

Final Thoughts: Tailoring Your iOS Photos Experience

The People album is a wonderful tool for personalizing how you view and remember life’s moments as portrayed through the people in them. While artificial intelligence does a lot of the heavy lifting, it’s your personal touch that turns a smart feature into an invaluable one. Customization within the Photos app ensures that your galleries of loved ones are curated exactly to your liking, making reliving memories an even more delightful experience.


Q: What do I do if the Photos app incorrectly identifies or duplicates a person in the People album?

A: You can easily correct this by selecting the incorrect or duplicate entries and using the ‘Not This Person’ or ‘Merge’ options to tidy your album.

Q: How can I add someone that the Photos app didn’t recognize to the People album?

A: Scroll to the bottom of the People album and use the ‘Add People’ button to include undetected faces manually.

By meticulously curating your People album, not only do you create a more organized digital space, but you also enrich your engagement with your cherished digital memories. The ability to swiftly locate and relive moments with specific individuals amplifies the meaningful use of your iPhone or iPad’s Photos app.

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