Accessing a CD/DVD Drive from Another PC on Your Mac

Discover how to tap into the power of remote disc sharing, allowing you to access a CD/DVD drive from another computer directly on your Mac. This revamped guide will walk you through an updated and straightforward process, perfect for those moments when you need to retrieve files from optical media or install legacy software.

Revolutionize Access to Optical Media with Remote Disc Sharing

Gone are the days when every computer had an in-built optical drive. In our digital era, streaming services and cloud storage are dominating. Yet, sometimes, the need to access data from a CD or DVD surfaces—be it for retrieving archived photos or installing software that remains off the digital shelves. If you’re a Mac user without an optical drive, remote disc sharing offers a lifeline, providing access to discs from another Mac or even a Windows PC.

Creating Your Own Remote Disc Network on Mac

Connecting Macs for disc sharing couldn’t be simpler. With a box tick here and a click there in System Preferences, you’ll be ready to share away:

  • Go to the Apple Menu and select System Preferences on the Mac with an optical drive.
  • Choose Sharing.
  • Tick the ‘DVD or CD Sharing’ option.

Enabling CD/DVD Drive Sharing from a Windows PC

Windows users, fear not! Sharing your CD/DVD drive is just as straightforward after installing Apple’s sharing software:

  • Start by downloading and installing the ‘Apple DVD or CD Sharing’ application on your Windows PC.
  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Select ‘Hardware and Sound’ followed by ‘DVD or CD Sharing Options’.
  • Enable sharing by ticking the ‘DVD or CD Sharing’ box.
  • For added security, select ‘Ask me before allowing others to use my DVD drive’.

Retrieving Data from a Remote Optical Drive on Mac

With Remote Disc activated on the computer housing the optical drive, gathering data on your drive-less Mac is a breeze:

  • Locate ‘Remote Disc’ in the sidebar of a new Finder window on your Mac.
  • Choose the computer whose optical drive you intend to use.
  • Request access with the ‘Connect’ or ‘Request Usage’ button, situated top-right in Finder.
  • If prompted, allow access on the source computer by confirming the action.

Conclusion: Effortless CD/DVD Drive Sharing for Mac Users

Embrace the simplicity of modern technology by harnessing the Remote Disc feature to access the content of CDs and DVDs using another PC’s drive. Whether you’re pulling up cherished memories from a recordable DVD or installing software that hasn’t made the leap to digital download, remote sharing is the efficient solution for Mac users without an optical drive.


Q: What software is needed to share a DVD or CD drive from a Windows PC to a Mac?

A: You’ll need to download and install the ‘Apple DVD or CD Sharing’ software on your Windows PC to facilitate the sharing process.

Q: Can I protect my shared DVD or CD drive on a Windows PC to require permission before use?

A: Yes, you can enhance security by ticking the option ‘Ask me before allowing others to use my DVD drive’ in the sharing settings on your Windows PC.

By reflecting the current trends and technological capabilities, this article provides users with up-to-date information, making sharing optical drives an effortless task. Enjoy a guide tailored for ease, security, and efficiency.

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