Enhance Your Typing Proficiency on Linux with Tt: Your Comprehensive Guide

Are you eager to boost your keyboard prowess on Linux? Tt stands out as a sleek, command-line based typing tutor that promises to elevate your typing efficiency with ongoing practice. This manual offers a thorough walkthrough for installing and mastering Tt on your Linux system.

Seamless Installation of Tt on Your Linux Platform

Embarking on your Tt journey is a breeze on all Linux flavors. Kick things off by firing up your terminal emulator and punching in this command:

sudo curl -L https://github.com/lemnos/tt/releases/download/v0.4.2/tt-linux -o /usr/local/bin/tt && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tt

Executing the above will fetch the latest iteration of Tt and set it up on your machine.

Embarking on Your Typing Quest with Tt

With Tt neatly tucked into your system, dive into a typing test immediately by typing:


Out of the gate, Tt conjures up a typing challenge with a 50-word ensemble. You can switch things up with these options:

  • -n: elect the number of words for your typing sortie
  • -g: group the words differently
  • -t: opt for a time-bound trial over a word count challenge
  • -quotes: choose English quotations to test your mettle against random words

Want a 35-word dash? Then deliver this command:

tt -n 35

Or maybe you fancy a 30-second speed sprint? Here’s how:

tt -t 30

For a taste of literary prowess with English quotes, here’s the drill:

tt -quotes

And for those seeking spontaneous wisdom from the web:

curl http://api.quotable.io/random | jq '. | {text: .content, attribution: .author}' | tt -quotes -

Sharpen Your Typing Skills Through Diligent Practice

Armed with Tt, you’re all set to spike your typing speed and finesse by indulging in routine practice sessions. Allocating mere minutes daily can forge strong muscle memory, boosting your typing effectiveness.

Expertly Answered Questions (FAQs)

Is Tt Universally Compatible with Linux Distributions?

Absolutely, Tt is versatile and supports installation across the Linux spectrum.

Does It Cost Anything to Use Tt?

No, Tt is generously offered as an open-source resource – totally gratis.

Parting Thoughts

Equipped with the know-how to face off typing tests on Linux via Tt, take the plunge and track your progress. Wishing you swift and satisfying typing triumphs!

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