Install OpenToonz on Ubuntu Linux

In this article we will try to teach you how to OpenToonz on Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS. OpenToonz is a 2D animation tool. It is based on the “Toonz” software developed by Digital Video S.p.A. developed in Italy, adapted by Studio Ghibli and used to create his works for many years. Dwango starts this OpenToonz project in collaboration with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli. OpenToonz is freeware and open source software for creating 2D animations. The software can be used for both private and commercial purposes.

The OpenToonz software was specially developed for the animation of cartoons. As a result of the recent update, you now have the ability to create other types of animations as well. The interface is very simple and easy to understand, and it comes with many additional plugins that will save you time and focus on creating animations more efficiently. Below we have mention the steps to Install OpenToonz on Ubuntu Linux.

Update Ubuntu

First, before you begin, perform a quick update to your system to ensure all existing packages are up-to-date to avoid any conflicts during the installation.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Install OpenToonz – Flatpak Method

The best option is to use Flatpak package manager. Flatpak is not installed natively on Ubuntu 22.04 as Canonical is behind both Ubuntu and Snaps, but it can be installed if you wish.

Step 1: First, install the Flatpak manager if it was removed previously.

sudo apt install flatpak -y

Step 2: For users installing Flatpak for the first time, it is often recommended to reboot your system. Failure to do this can occur with odd issues, such as paths not being generated for icons.


Skip the Reboot if Flatpack is Installed

Step 1: Next, you need to enable Flatpack using the following command in your terminal.

sudo flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathub

Step 2: Next, you can install OpenToonz Flatpak with the following command.

flatpak install flathub io.github.OpenToonz -y

How to Launch OpenToonz

Step 1: Launching the OpenToonz GUI using the following desktop path is the best method.

Activities > Show Applications > OpenToonz

Step 2: Once you have launched the software, you will be prompted to configure a new project. This can be toggled off from a startup if you do not want the prompt, unticking the “Show this at startup.”

Congratulations, you have installed OpenToonz.

Final Words

We hope our article on how to run OpenToonz on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS will help you and resolve all your problems. Ubuntu is a popular free and open-source Linux-based operating system that you can use on a computer or virtual private server. If you want to know how to install OpenToonz on Linux  distros then follow the steps mentioned above.

I hope you understand this article, Install OpenToonz on Ubuntu Linux.

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