How to Keep Microsoft Teams Active

With these Teams active hacks, you'll never miss a message and always be in the loop.

Hello everyone, today in this article we will show you how to Keep Microsoft Teams Active. Microsoft Teams is an important tool for both students and professionals because it has many features that make it easy to communicate and work together. One of its useful features is the ability to set user status, like “busy” or “available,” which lets others know when you’re available for calls or group work.

This is why people look for ways to keep Microsoft Teams running when they’re not at their computers. This is very important for people who want to always be available to their coworkers. Teams changes the status to “Unreachable” when the system is idle or in sleep mode.

Users should update their Microsoft Teams app to make sure they have the most recent version in order to avoid these problems.Users can get the most out of Microsoft Teams by staying up to date on updates and looking into possible solutions. This will make it an even better tool for working together and communicating remotely in school and the workplace. If you want more Information go to official website of Microsoft.

How to Stay Active on Microsoft teams

  1. In your computer, open your Microsoft Teams application.
  2. Click on your profile icon and ensure that the Available status is selected. If that is not the case, hit your current status and select Reset Status.
  3. Now go ahead and hit the Set status message link.
  4. Type a custom message indicating your availability during work and if needed also after hours, for example: “Happy to help . Please feel free to contact me as needed”.
  5. Check on the Show when people message me checkbox to let them see your status message when they message you.
  6. Set the Clear status message after to Customized and set the expiration date accordingly. Note that you are able to select to keep the status message on indefinitely by selecting Never.
  7. Hit Done.

Review your Power settings to avoid system going to sleep

  1. On the Windows Task bar, hit the Start button
  2. Type Power & Sleep settings
  3. Set the sleeping time.

The Importance of Keeping Microsoft Teams Active

Better communication:

  • Accessibility: If you’re active on Teams, it means you’re available to quickly share information through calls, messages, or videoconferencing. This makes things more responsive and gets rid of the “where are they?” game.
How to Keep Microsoft Teams Active
  • Real-time updates: Using dedicated team channels to share ongoing progress, ideas, and feedback keeps everyone in the loop and on the same page. So, there aren’t any communication silos, and the workplace is more flexible.

Collaboration grew:

  • Real-time co-working on documents, presentations, and spreadsheets through Teams makes things more efficient and makes it easier to come up with ideas and solve problems at the same time.
  • Shared workspace: Dedicated channels work like virtual meeting rooms, helping people work together on specific projects or tasks without having to send and receive emails and documents all over the place.

Better visibility and transparency:

  • More involvement: Taking part in conversations and channels actively shows dedication and interest, creating a sense of community and shared responsibility.
  • Visibility for leaders: Leaders who use Teams for updates and communication are more open with their teams and build trust with them.

Utilizing Microsoft Teams Features for Collaboration

Organising and talking to people:

  • Channels: Give certain projects, departments, or topics their own space. In each channel, you can share files, have conversations, and keep track of progress.
  • Chat: Have real-time conversations with people or groups to get quick updates and ideas. Using @mentions and emojis makes communication more fun.
  • Meetings: You can set up online meetings that include video conferencing, sharing your screen, and recording. Use polls, Q&A, and breakout rooms to make sessions more interactive.

Editing files together and sharing them:

  • Microsoft Office Integration: You can edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files right in Teams, which lets you work with other people on projects at the same time and keep track of different versions.
  • File Sharing: You can share any kind of file in chats or channels, and you can control who can see and open the files. Use the Files tab to store and find files in an organised way.
How to Keep Microsoft Teams Active
  • Teams Connect: Use shared channels to work together with outside teams and people from different companies without having to switch tenants.

Best Practices for Maintaining Team Motivation

Boost belonging and connection:

  • Make your presence unique: Use “Available” when you need to update your status.
  • Beyond work, set up ways for people to talk about and interact with each other outside of work.
  • Regular “check-ins”: Start meetings with small talk or activities that break the ice.
    Enjoy your wins and big steps forward: Honour accomplishments in public and privately.

Bring more purpose and engagement:

  • Make your plans and goals clear: Set goals for each person and the team as a whole.
  • Keep track of progress and celebrate wins: Use Teams’ features to keep track of tasks and share progress.
  • Encourage ownership and independence: Give team members the freedom to think outside the box and act on their own.


How do I stop Microsoft Teams from showing away?

Click on “Settings” in the menu that appears. Then click on “Privacy” in the column on the left. This is where you can control your activity and status. To stop Teams from making you appear away, uncheck the box that says “Show me as away when inactive.”

How long before Teams turns yellow?

If you aren’t using Microsoft Teams, your status will change to “Away” after 5 minutes.

Why does my Microsoft Teams say I’m away when I’m not?

Your presence status is shown wrong in Microsoft Teams. For instance, if you don’t use your desktop for more than 5 minutes, your presence status changes to “Away.”

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