Last Epoch: How to Get Avarice Gloves (quest guide)

Discover how to claim the Avarice Gloves, a powerful reward in Last Epoch.

In ARPGs, items are like real life, and the same is true for Last Epoch. You won’t get very far if you don’t choose gear that works well with the kind of character you’re making. The unique tier of things gives strong bonuses that make certain playstyles better, which is why they are the building blocks of many builds. In this article we will share you how to Get Avarice Gloves in Last Epoch.

There are two early game uniques, Avarice and Gambler’s Fallacy, that can help the first few plays go by much faster. One catch is that you can only pick one per campaign. If you want to know which one is better for your Last Epoch game character, read this quick guide. It shows you how to get both of them. Further information is available on the official website.

What is Avarice Gloves in Last Epoch?

In Last Epoch, the Avarice Gloves are a special pair of leather gloves that help characters who give elemental damage, especially at the beginning of the game. While they do give some protection and mana, the most important things about them are that 3% of elemental damage is turned into health and the leech rate goes up. This lets you stay alive in battle by healing yourself while dealing elemental damage to foes. It’s a great choice for characters like Mages who depend on elemental attacks a lot because it makes them stronger early on.

How to Get Avarice Gloves in Last Epoch

When you get to the Council Chambers, you’ll see Ezra and Artem, a naughty gambler. Both of them have side quests that you can choose to do, and they both want the same notebook. As Ezra asks for proof of the notebook, Artem tries to hide his dirty tricks. You can get the Avarice Gloves by giving the notebook to Ezra.

The Gambler’s Fallacy amulet is another unique item you can get if you give the notebook to Artem. The critical strike chance is raised by this charm, making it great for Rogue builds. On the other hand, the Avarice Gloves are good for all classes because they protect against natural damage and heal you at the same time. The numbers for both items are shown below.

  • Avarice Gloves
    • +10 Armor
    • +9 Mana
    • 3% of Elemental Damage Leeched as Health
    • 30% Increased Leech Rate
    • 13% Elemental Resistance
    • Requires level 6
  • Gambler’s Fallacy Amulet
    • +19 Health
    • +100% Critical strike chance if you have not dealt a critical strike recently (within the last 4 seconds).
    • 50% less critical strike chance if you have dealt a critical strike recently (within the last 4 seconds).
    • 11 Health gain on crit.

Importance of Avarice Gloves in Gameplay

In Last Epoch, Avarice Gloves are very important, especially for characters who deal physical damage, especially at the beginning of the game. These one-of-a-kind gloves are a defensive wonder and offer a number of important benefits:

  • Elemental Leech: One of its main features is the ability to heal for 3% of the elemental damage caused, which is like having a built-in healing system. As you give elemental damage to enemies, you’ll also heal yourself, which makes it much easier to stay alive.
  • Increased Leech Rate: This glove makes it easier for you to heal by increasing the overall leech rate. This means that damage is turned into health faster and more effectively.
  • Elemental Resistance: The gloves offer an extra layer of defense with their 13% increased elemental resistance. This lowers the damage that elemental hits do to you, making you even stronger in battle.

Avarice Gloves: Stats and Attributes Breakdown


  • +10 Armor: Provides a minor increase in physical defense.
  • +9 Mana: Offers a small boost to mana pool, beneficial for mana-using skills.
Last Epoch: How to Get Avarice Gloves
  • 3% of Elemental Damage Leeched as Health: This is the core stat of the gloves. It converts 3% of any elemental damage you deal (fire, cold, lightning) into health, effectively providing self-healing.
  • 30% Increased Leech Rate: Further enhances the healing potential by increasing the speed at which damage is converted into health.


  • 13% Elemental Resistance: Reduces incoming elemental damage (fire, cold, lightning) by 13%, adding another layer of defense.


What is the reach of the grave in the last epoch?

Reach of the Grave is a unique Wand that looks like the Necromancer’s Wand. The spell and bow strikes of your minion do 100% more damage. 10% of the damage your enemies do with spells and bows is turned into health. Beyond the grave, death’s touch can be felt.

What is burning avarice in last epoch?

Burning Avarice: These strong Unique Gloves are great for any build that deals elemental or necrotic damage and needs to be more durable. They give you a lot of Health Leech, which will help you stay alive when waves of monsters come at you.

Is Last Epoch endless?

Last Epoch is an Action RPG that is fun for both new and experienced gamers because it lets you travel through time, explore interesting dungeons, make your character look and feel exactly how you want them to, and play it over and over again.

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