How to Make Progress Bar in Notion

Find more drive and stay on track! Find out how to use Notion to make moving progress bars for any goal.

One cannot overstate how important it is to manage projects well, whether they are freelancers working on individual tasks or business owners managing large teams working on big projects. Handling projects of different levels of difficulty requires close monitoring of progress, evaluation of performance, and timely course corrections to ensure completion. In this article we showed how to Make Progress Bar in Notion.

Access to a full list of all the tasks that need to be done and the ability to see how far along they are at both the task and individual levels becomes very important in this constantly changing environment. Overall, Notion stands out as a strong solution with a variety of features that make it easier to see how ongoing projects fit together.

Out of all of these features, the Progress Bar is the most useful. With this tool, project owners can see the whole picture and see how the work is progressing. Easy-to-use layout helps users, including freelance and business owners, quickly get a feel for their projects, which leads to smart decision-making and effective project management. If you want more information go to Notion Official website.

What is Progress Bar in Notion

  • Types: They come in a number of different styles, such as bars, rings, or even just numbers.
  • Customization: You can change the colour, the style, and even the characters that are used to show progress.
How to Make Progress Bar in Notion
  • Formulized: They work with formulas that figure out your progress by looking at certain database properties. If you’re keeping track of a project with a “Completed” box, the progress bar would grow as you finish tasks.
  • Advantages: They make it easy to see how far you’ve come and keep you motivated, which helps you stay on track and celebrate your wins.

How to Make Progress Bar in Notion

Using Notion’s Built-in Progress Bar Feature 

  1. Click on the name of the header and choose “Edit property.”
  2. Choose “Bar” from the menu.
  3. Change the colour of the progress bar.
  4. Click on the “Close” button.

Adding a Formula Property to Make a Progress Bar in Notion

  1. Press the “+sign.
  2. Pick out the “Formulaproperty.
  3. Choose “Formula” from the menu.
  4. Type in the formula for adding progress bars to your Notion database.
  5. Click “Done.”

Importance of Progress Bars in Notion

Better clarity and visibility

  • With progress bars, you can quickly see how close you are to reaching your goal. A bar makes it easy to see how far you’ve come at a glance, while numbers alone can be hard to understand.
  • They help you set priorities for tasks and see what needs your attention. For example, seeing a project bar that won’t move could make you want to work on it more.

More drive and concentration

  • You can use progress bars to keep yourself going. Watching the bar fill up makes you feel good about your progress and motivates you to keep going.
  • By making your goals always visible, they can help you stay on track. One more thing that can motivate you to finish a task is seeing how close you are to it.

Better architecture for information

  • You can clear up your workspace by using progress bars instead of big numbers or formulas to show smaller amounts of information. This can make your pages easier to read and find your way around.
  • They can also be used to show different stages of progress with different colours, which makes it easy to quickly look through and understand the data in your databases.

More customisation and adaptability

  • Notion has built-in progress bars and lets you make your own options with formulas and other tools. Because of this, you can change the visual representation to fit your needs and tastes.
  • You can make your progress bars look better and show more information by picking from different styles, colours, and even adding icons.

Best Practices for Using Progress Bars Effectively

How to Make Progress Bar in Notion

Define Goal and Context

  • Indeterminate or determinate task? The length of determinate tasks is known, while indeterminate tasks are unknown. Predictable tasks should have progress bars with percentages or remaining time. For file uploads and other unpredictable durations, indeterminate bars work.
  • Is the audience tech savvy? General audiences prefer simple, clean designs. Technically adept users may prefer more complex visualisations or breakdowns.

Choose a Visual Style

  • Visibility and clarity are crucial. Avoid complicated or small details that confuse. For best readability, use contrasting colours and font sizes.
  • Be consistent in tone and brand. For a consistent experience, match the progress bar to your user interface and brand.

Give Important Feedback

  • Present progress, not just bars. To clarify, display percentages, time left, or task descriptions alongside the bar. Share achievements, Highlight key process milestones to motivate and engage users.
  • Avoid optimism. Don’t artificially accelerate progress. Maintain user trust by communicating realistic timelines and bar updates.

Test and improve

  • Get user input. See how users use the progress bar to determine if it communicates. Gather feedback on clarity, accuracy, and usability.
  • A/B design tests. Explore different visual styles, animations, and information displays to see what your audience likes.


How do I make task progress in Notion?

Create or open a page to work on. Select “Add Property” at the top. Add a formula by clicking it. Enter the formula for task or project progress in the formula editor.

How do I track my progress on Notion?

Invite your team to Notion. Type /database on a new Notion page to create a “Goals” database. Divide goals into tasks and assign team members and deadlines. Track progress or deadlines with a board or calendar view.

Does Notion have a task tracker?

With the Notion Daily Task Manager Template, productivity and organisation will soar. This well-designed template lets you plan, track, and prioritise tasks without missing anything.

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