How to Mark eMail as Unread on iPhone Mail App Instantly with a Simple Gesture Trick

Learn how to mark an email as unread on your iOS device quickly and effortlessly. In this guide, we will show you a simple gesture trick that allows you to mark emails as unread without even opening them. This feature is especially useful for those who want to set a reminder or undo accidentally reading an email.

Steps to Mark an Email as Unread/Read using a Swipe and Drag Gesture:

Follow these steps to mark an email as unread or read in the iOS Mail app:

  1. Open the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad and navigate to the general mailbox view.
  2. Tap and hold the email you want to mark as unread, then drag it far to the right.
  3. Release the email and swipe when the blue “Mark unread” sticker appears and covers about half of the email line.

Quick entry email as an unread gesture in iOS Mail

To ensure the gesture works smoothly, make a perfect rightward swipe and release motion. Please note that this method only works in the general inbox view of the Mail app. If you are viewing a specific email, you will need to use the Mark button to mark it as unread.

A Partial Swipe to the Right Reveals the “Mark Unread” Button

If you don’t complete the full swipe gesture, a “Mark Unread” button will appear instead of marking the email as unread. Although it’s still a viable option, using the gesture allows for a quicker and more efficient method without any additional steps.

A partial swipe reveals the Mark Unread button in iOS Mail

This gesture trick is not only a time-saver but works exceptionally well on iPhones due to their compact size. Next time you want to mark an email as unread or accidentally mark all emails as read, give this quick trick a try.

If you don’t see the “Mark as unread” option when you swipe right, you may need to enable it in your Settings. Navigate to Settings > Email, Contacts, Calendars > Swipe Settings, and set Swipe Right to handle the email entry as read and unread. Once enabled, you can go back to the Mail app and start using the gesture again.


Q: What devices can I use this gesture trick on?

This gesture trick can be used on Apple devices, specifically those running on the iOS or macOS operating system.

Q: How does this guide benefit me?

This guide provides a simple and convenient method for marking emails as unread on the iPhone Mail app. It is helpful for users who want to stay organized and easily manage their email communications.

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