How to Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage on Standby Mode

Strengthen your Mac’s security by destroying FileVault key storage when it enters standby mode. Learn how to maximize FileVault security.

This guide is about the Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage in Standby Mode. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage in Standby Mode.

Standby is a power-saving feature that automatically puts your Mac to sleep for a period of time, further reducing battery drain. When a Mac with FileVault encryption is placed in standby mode, the FileVault key (yes, this key is encrypted) is stored on the EFI (firmware) so that it can quickly exit standby mode when you wake from deep sleep. For 99% of users, it hardly matters and isn’t a security issue, but for those concerned about absolute maximum security and protecting your Mac from unusually aggressive attacks (i.e. spyware), you can set OS X to automatically destroy its FileVault key when set to power save mode, which prevents the stored key from possibly being a weak point or target.

When this setting is enabled, FileVault users must enter their FileVault password when the Mac wakes up from standby, because the FV key is no longer stored for quick wake-up. It hardly hurts, but it slows down waking from a deep sleep a bit, and requires the user to commit to extra authentication outside of the usual lock and sign-in features before the Mac becomes usable again.

To increase FileVault protection, destroy FileVault keys in standby mode

This command must be entered on the terminal, which can be found in / Applications / Utilities /

pmset -a destrfvkeystandstand 1

-The flag applies the setting to all power profiles, which means both the battery and the charger.

If you find this feature unnecessary or frustrating, it can be easily translated by setting 1 to 0 and reusing the command as follows:

pmset -a destrfvkeyonstandby 0

Note that depending on the permissions of the active user account, you may need to add both commands with sudo in order to run them from the administrator, so the commands are as follows:

Enable FileVault key destruction

sudo pmset -a destrfvkeyonstandby 1

Set Filevault to destroy the key in standby mode

Disable FileVault key destruction

sudo pmset -a destrfvkeyonstandby 0

You can always check your pmset settings and see if this is currently enabled or disabled using the following command:

pmset -g

Admittedly, this is a bit technical and a bit extreme, so it doesn’t apply to most Mac users. For those in sensitive security environments, those whose computers store highly sensitive information, or even individuals who want the best possible personal security, this is a very valuable option and should be considered if a slower wake-up time is worth the extra security benefit.

As always with FileVault, don’t forget your password, otherwise not all Mac content can be accessed permanently because the encryption level is so strong that virtually nothing can beat it on a person’s schedule. If you are new to the concept of FileVault and full disk encryption, be sure to set it correctly and never lose your FileVault recovery key.

For much more technical information on this topic, Apple has an excellent FileVault installation guide available in PDF format.

Benefits: Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage in Standby Mode

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FAQ: Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage in Standby Mode

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Final note: Maximize FileVault Security by Destroying Key Storage in Standby Mode

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