How to Enable Memory Saver in Google Chrome

Feeling sluggish Chrome? Discover how Memory Saver unlocks smoother browsing & frees up resources.

The world’s most popular web browser, Google Chrome, is about to get a big performance boost thanks to two new features that will make it more efficient and help desktop users get more battery life. This guide showed you how to Enable Memory Saver in Google Chrome.

Although Chrome has many useful features, such as a built-in password manager and the ability to sync data between devices without any problems, it has been criticized for using a lot of resources compared to other browsers. These improvements will make browsing better for everyone, especially on devices with limited resources or for people who care about how long their batteries last.

This could make the system run more smoothly and prevent it from being overloaded. With this move, Chrome is showing that it is still working hard to fix performance issues and stay the browser of choice for millions of people around the world. To get more information go their official website.

How to Enable Memory Saver in Google Chrome

  1. Click the three dots that look like an arrow in the upper right corner and then click Settings.
  2. Turn on Google Chrome’s Memory Saver Tabs.
  3. From the left column, click on Performance.
  4. Turn on the Memory Saver by flipping the switch.

Benefits of Using Memory Saver in Google Chrome

Better performance:

  • Memory Saver frees up resources from tabs that aren’t being used, which makes browsing smoother. This lets your active tab and other programmes run more smoothly. This is very helpful for people who have a lot of tabs open or computers that are getting old.
How to Enable Memory Saver in Google Chrome
  • Less lag: Memory Saver can reduce lag and stuttering by taking care of background tasks. This is especially helpful when switching between tabs or running demanding apps in Chrome at the same time.
  • Faster loading times: Memory Saver may be able to speed up the loading times of websites that are used a lot by focusing resources on the active tab.

Better stability of the system:

  • Less frequent crashes: Chrome is more likely to crash when it uses too much memory. Memory Saver helps stop this from happening by better controlling how memory is used.
  • Better multitasking: Memory Saver frees up memory, which lets you run other programmes along with Chrome more smoothly, without slowdowns or system freezes.
  • Battery life is longer: Memory Saver can help laptop batteries last longer by lowering Chrome’s overall resource use.

Important Things to Think About:

  • Reloading inactive tabs: If you go back to an inactive tab after Memory Saver has freed up its resources, it will need to reload, which might take a little while.
  • Real-time updates: Live features in tabs that aren’t being used, like chat apps or stock tickers, may stop updates until you switch back to them.
  • It’s not the same as closing tabs: It’s still best to close a tab by hand if you don’t plan to use it again soon. This will save memory and speed.

Tips for Optimizing Memory Usage in Google Chrome

Cut down on open tabs:

  • Close tabs that you’re not using. Chrome uses more memory when you have a lot of them open. Close tabs that you’re not using often.
  • Group tabs that are similar: Use Chrome’s tab groups feature to organise tabs into groups that are easier to manage and don’t look as cluttered.

Take care of extensions:

  • Turn off extensions that aren’t being used. A lot of extensions run in the background even when they’re not being used. Find the extensions you don’t use often and turn them off.
  • Remove extensions that aren’t needed: Get rid of extensions that aren’t needed anymore or that can be replaced with ones that use less memory.

Get rid of the cookies and cache:

  • Clear your browsing history. Cache and cookies can make memory use go up and up. Clear them out often, but be careful not to lose any saved logins.
  • Pick out certain data to delete: If you need to, you can clear only the cache and cookies and leave the browser history alone.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips

Chrome freezes or won’t open:

  • Close any tabs, extensions, or apps that you don’t need: Close programmes that use a lot of resources to free up memory.
  • Bring Chrome and your computer back to life: A simple restart can sometimes fix short-term problems.
  • Look out for malware: Keep your antivirus software up to date and check your computer for harmful software.
  • Go to a different browser and open the page: If the problem still happens in Chrome, try going to the site in a different browser.

Performance That’s Slow:

  • Get rid of cookies and cache: Clear your browsing history by going to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear.
  • Turn off extensions that you don’t need. Some extensions can use up resources and make Chrome run slower.
  • Close any tabs that you’re not using to manage them.
  • Check for programmes that might be interfering with Chrome. Turn off any other programmes that could be making Chrome less useful.


How do I enable memory saver in Chrome?

On your computer, open Google Chrome and click on the three dots next to your profile picture. Press on Settings. Click the switch next to Memory Saver in the Performance section.

How do I enable memory saver flag in Chrome?

You can use flags to turn off Memory Saver if the problems still persist. In the address bar of Chrome, type chrome://flags/#enable-memory-saver to do this. As soon as you click the “Disabled” radio button, click “Relaunch.”

Is Chrome memory saver enabled by default?

Memory Saver and Energy Saver are both turned on by default on Chrome 110 devices. You can turn them off at any time by going to the Performance tab in your system settings.

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