How to Move and Align Tables in Google Docs

Conquer table placement in Google Docs! Learn expert tips to move and align them perfectly.

This is a simple way to improve the look and organisation of your document in Google Docs: rearranging and aligning tables. Simply click inside a table and move your mouse over it until a four-sided arrow icon appears. In this article we talk about how to move and align tables in Google Docs.

You can move the table anywhere in your document by holding down the left mouse button and dragging it. You can let go of the mouse button when the table is where you want it to be. To align tables with text or other parts of your document, click on the “Table” menu at the top, choose “Table properties,” and then change the settings for table alignment under “Table alignment.”

These options let you make sure that your tables fit in perfectly with the rest of your text, which makes it easier to read and understand. Simply follow these easy steps to easily change tables in Google Docs so that your reports, essays, or research papers have the best layout and presentation. For more information check their official website.

How to move and align tables in Google Docs

How to move Tables in Google Docs

By dragging

  1. Highlight the table you want to move to move it all at once.
  2. First, click on the table. Then, drag the mouse to move it to the right place.
  3. If you run into problems you didn’t expect, please click the “undo” button to move the table back to where it was before.

By Cut and paste the table

  1. Highlight the table you want to move to move it all at once.
  2. Please right-click on the table and choose “Cut” from the menu that comes up.
  3. Mark the spot on the page where you want the table to show up with the mouse.
  4. To paste, right-click on the spot and choose “Paste.”
  5. After this, the table should show up in the right place.

How to align Tables in Google Docs

  1. Press the right mouse button on your table to start.
  2. From the menu that appears, choose “Table Properties.”
  3. Pick an alignment for the table when the Table Properties window pops up.
  4. Pick the left, the middle, or the right.
  5. The table will align to the chosen alignment once it is chosen.

Tips for Organizing Tables Effectively

Clarity and Structure:

  • Explain the goal: Figure out what you want to say and who you’re writing for. This will help you decide how to set up your table.
How to move and align tables in Google Docs
  • Pick the right size: Do not put too much data in one table. For better clarity, you might want to split the data into more than one table.
  • Headers that describe: Make sure the headers are clear and concise so they accurately describe the data in each column.

Putting together data:

  • Sort well: The sort function lets you put data in a way that makes it easy to read by putting it in order by date, letter, or number.
  • Use filters wisely: You can filter certain rows or columns to show only the important data and hide the rest.
  • Merge and split cells: Put together data points that are related or break up long entries to make them easier to read.

Accessibility and Working Together:

  • Alternate row shading: Use light shading to make even and odd rows stand out and make the text easier to read.
  • Descriptive alt text: To make tables more accessible, add alt text that briefly summarises the data they hold.

Best Practices for Table Layout in Google Docs

The structure:

  • Do not complicate: Begin by adding as few rows and columns as possible to your data. Stay away from structures that are too complicated and could confuse readers.
  • Clear headers: To tell headers apart from data cells, use bold text and clear borders for the headers.
  • Formatting that is consistent: For a unified look, use the same font, font size, and alignment all over the table.

Ability to read:

  • Short labels: For headers, use short labels that explain what they are and stay away from abbreviations that people might not understand.
  • Wrap text: If data goes beyond the width of a cell, allow text wrapping so that it’s easier to read on all screen sizes.
  • If you want to make it easier to read and see the differences between rows, use subtle shading to go back and forth between rows.


How do you move a table in the middle?

Move the mouse over the table until the four-way handle shows up. Click this handle to get to the “Resize a Table” menu. Choose “Align a Table” from the new list. You can use this menu to align to the right, the middle, or the left.

How do you align objects in Google Docs?

Click Arrange at the top. Which of the following should you do? Place your order: Place the thing in front of or behind text, other things, or pictures. Align: You can line up the edges of several objects when you select them all.

Why is my table not aligned?

Check the cell margins. If the table cells have big margins, the table might not look right. The “Layout” tab on the ribbon is where you can change the cell margins. First, select the table. Click on “Cell Margins” in the “Cell Size” group and change the margins as needed. Look at the cell.

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