Fixing Podcasts Playing Too Fast on iPhone: A Comprehensive Guide

Are your podcasts sounding like they’ve been fast-forwarded on your iPhone? You’re not alone! But don’t worry, fixing this issue is easy. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to get your podcast playback speed back to normal on iOS.

How to Fix Podcasts Playing Too Fast on iPhone

  1. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the small title bar at the bottom of the Podcasts screen to go to the podcast you’re playing.
  3. Fix podcasts on iPhone that play too fast

  4. Find the “2x” or “1.5x” button in the lower left corner and tap it.
  5. Fix podcasts on iPhone that play too fast

  6. Tap the button until it reads “1x,” which indicates normal playback speed.
  7. Fix podcasts on iPhone that play too fast

  8. Enjoy your podcast at the regular playback speed!

That’s all it takes! Once you’ve adjusted the speed, your podcasts will go back to playing at the normal default speed. The option to change the playback speed is handy if you want to listen to more programs in less time or speed up listening through a particular episode. However, it’s essential to adjust it according to your preference and the podcast content.

Why Are My Podcasts Suddenly Playing Too Fast?

If your podcasts are playing too fast, chances are you accidentally changed the playback speed or touched the playback speed button without realizing it. It’s easy to do as the button is small and can be triggered accidentally. Simply go back to the Podcasts app and adjust the speed back to normal.

By using the Podcast Skip feature, you can also skip ads or boring parts of podcasts instead of speeding them up. Remember, podcasts are meant to be enjoyed, whether at a regular speed, sped up, or even in slow motion.


1. What can I do if my podcasts play too fast on my iPhone?

To fix podcasts playing too fast on your iPhone, open the Podcasts app, go to the podcast you’re playing, find the playback speed button, and tap it until the speed displays “1x” for normal playback speed.

2. Why do my podcasts suddenly play very fast, even though I didn’t change any settings?

If your podcasts suddenly play very fast, it’s possible that you accidentally changed the playback speed or touched the playback speed button without realizing it. Simply go back to the Podcasts app and adjust the speed back to normal.

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The Bollyinside editorial staff is made up of tech experts with more than 10 years of experience Led by Sumit Chauhan. We started in 2014 and now Bollyinside is a leading tech resource, offering everything from product reviews and tech guides to marketing tips. Think of us as your go-to tech encyclopedia!


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