How to Get Your External IP Address Quickly with Command Line

Need to know your external IP address? Learn how to quickly find it using the command line.

This guide is about the Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line. I will try my best so that you understand this guide very well. I hope you all like this guide Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line.

Do you need to get your external IP address quickly from the SSH command line or otherwise? No Sweat, you can either use the curl command or dig to quickly extract data from multiple sources. We focus on two different options that have proven to be reliable over time, the first is quite short and easy to remember, but the latter option can be considered the most reliable.


Or use the following:

dig + short @

Neither string has anything other than your external IP address, which the outside world can see, different from your local network IP address.

The Dig script is, of course, quite long, but OpenDNS is a very reliable service that does much more than just retrieve IP data, so it can be considered a more reliable long-term solution, and therefore probably best to set up any shortcuts or scripts.

If you find yourself often need an external IP address, create a bash-alias the above-mentioned dig command, or you can go to the menu bar using a free third-party application that does not do more than keep the external IP address in the menu bar OS X’s.

To create a quick IP lookup using a bash alias, append the following line to the .bash_profile file:

alias getmyip = ‘dig + short @’

Save the changes to a .bash_profile file, and now all you have to do is type ‘getmyip’ to use the entire long scripts. Head to CommandLineFu for the digging queue.

Note that you can also visit multiple websites, such as and, through any web browser, whether it’s a lynx terminal or the Safari and Chrome UI, to get an external IP as well. These commands work the same way on Mac OS X or In Linux, while the browser-based approach works for literally anything that can use a web browser.

Benefits: Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line

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FAQ: Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line

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In this guide, I told you about the Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line.
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In this guide, I discuss about the Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line, which is very helpful.
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Apple Devices only.
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mac OS or iOS
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Final note: Quickly Get an External IP Address from the Command Line

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