How to Quickly Make Stickies Notes from a Selection on Mac OS

Stickies is a handy app on Mac OS X that allows you to create floating notes on your desktop. In this guide, we will show you how to quickly make a Stickies note from a selection. Whether it’s a block of text or an image, you can easily turn it into a note for better organization and productivity.

To make a Stickies note from a text or media selection, simply follow these steps:

  1. Highlight and select the desired text or image.
  2. Right-click and navigate to the “Services” menu.
  3. Select the “Create a new note” option.


Stickies will open instantly and create a new note with the highlighted text or image. The note will preserve the formatting and content of the selection, including links if applicable.

If you don’t see the “Create a new note” option in the Services menu, you may need to enable it in your system preferences. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the  Apple menu and open System Preferences.
  2. Select the “Keyboard” panel and go to the “Shortcuts” tab.
  3. Choose “Services” on the left and look for “Create a new note.”
  4. Check the box next to it to enable the system service.


Additionally, you can also use the hotkey for “Create a new note” to quickly create a note without going through the Services menu.

Stickies is a lightweight app that offers a simple and convenient way to take notes and keep important information within reach. While it doesn’t offer iCloud-synced notes like the native Notes app, Stickies is still a useful tool for managing notes on your Mac.

Benefits of Quickly Making Stickies Notes from a Selection on Mac OS

  • This guide is free to read and learn.
  • It helps improve productivity and organization on your Mac.
  • No additional software or installations required.

Frequently Asked Questions About Making Stickies Notes from a Selection on Mac OS

1. What is Stickies on Mac OS?

Stickies is a built-in app on Mac OS that allows you to create floating notes on your desktop for better organization and productivity.

2. Can I sync Stickies notes with iCloud?

No, Stickies notes cannot be synced with iCloud. They are stored locally on your Mac.

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