How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

Don't let a Community Guidelines strike stop you! This guide shows you how to fight back and regain access to your Instagram account.

When you Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram, it means that Instagram has found that your account went against their Community rules. These rules say what kinds of things and actions are not allowed on the site, like spam, hate speech, harassment, and more.

There may have been a message on your Instagram feed that said “something you sent in a chat went against our community standards.” If you don’t know what you did wrong, this message can be very upsetting and hard to understand. We’ll talk about the reasons why your post might have broken Instagram’s rules and what you can do to fix the problem in this piece.

What Are Instagram’s Community Guidelines?

Instagram establishes guidelines that its users must abide by. We refer to these policies and procedures as community guidelines. A user’s account may be struck if they disobey or violate these rules. The repercussions of obtaining a strike depend on the seriousness of the infraction and the user’s prior behavior on the network. After a user receives a strike, their account may be subject to a variety of actions, such as the suspension of their account, the removal of content from the platform for a period of time, or other restrictions.

How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

How to Remove Community Guidelines Strike on Instagram

Use another account

  1. You will not be able to send texts from another account if you are not allowed to from the first.
  2. Go to your biography, tap on your username, and then choose the account you want to switch to.
  3. Simply go to your biography, tap on your username, and choose “Add account” to make a new Instagram account if you don’t already have one.

Use Instagram Web

  1. You can try sending texts on the web version of Instagram if you can’t send them on the app.
  2. First, log in to your Instagram account on a PC at, then go to “Messages” and try sending a message.
  3. Method 2: Get Instagram from the Microsoft Store, sign in to your account, and then try to send a message.

By Report a Problem

  1. Start up Instagram on your phone or tablet.
  2. Tap on the personal picture at the bottom of the screen to go to your profile.
  3. To get to Settings, tap on the three lines in the middle.
  4. Click on Help and then on Report a Problem in the Settings panel.
  5. When you get to the “Report a Problem” page, tap “Include and Continue.”
  6. Say what’s wrong and send the report.

Tips for Communicating with Instagram Support

  • Be exact and clear: Tell us about your problem and what you’ve tried so far to fix it.
  • Respect the person helping you, even if you’re angry or upset. Be polite and show respect.
  • Give some background: Include important information like your username, the device you’re using, and any messages that say something went wrong.
  • Add videos or screenshots: If possible, attaching recordings or photos can help people see what’s wrong.
  • Ask clear questions: Make it clear what you need help with and what you want to happen.
  • Do not rush: Responses may take a while, based on how many people are asking.


Will Instagram delete my account if I go against community guidelines?

You accept our Terms of Use and these guidelines by using Instagram. We sincerely hope that you will adhere to these principles as well. If you cross these lines, you can face limitations like disabled accounts, removed content, or other measures

How long do community guidelines strike last Instagram?

We may also consider several removals of content taken simultaneously as a single strike if we do so without giving you notice before each removal. On Facebook or Instagram, all strikes end after a year.

Why does Instagram keep saying I violated community guidelines?

In the event that Instagram disables your account due to community rules being broken, it indicates that they have determined certain actions or content on your account to be offensive, damaging, inappropriate, spammy, or in violation of their policies and terms of use.

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