How to Report Someone on Discord: PC and Mobile

Learn to report abusive users on Discord from PC or mobile - fast and easy!

individuals are able to come together and work towards a similar objective through the use of Discord, which is a platform that enables amazing cooperation, the building of relationships, and the opportunity for individuals to come together. In this article we will show you how to Report Someone on Discord.

According to the vast majority of accounts, it is perceived as a secure and encouraging environment that provides users with a variety of advantages. The unfortunate reality is that there are always individuals who will attempt to use a positive situation in order to sow discord and cause strife.

For this reason, it is essential to be familiar with the process of reporting someone on Discord in order to ensure the safety of both you and other users. This is a quick and relatively easy process that will enable you to take advantage of the platform’s benefits without having to deal with any of the system’s problems.

What is Discord?

People who play video games on PCs or, more recently, Xboxes often have to figure out how to talk to each other and get everyone in the right place so the game can start. There have been many apps like Discord that try to solve this problem.

How to Report Someone on Discord: PC and Mobile

The free platform quickly became one of the most popular, with 250 million users and 14 million people coming on every day. It combines the easy-to-use chat interface of apps like Slack with video and voice chat like Skype. Not only can you use Discord to talk to your friends while playing games, but you can also use it to make spaces where people can hang out, find other players, and have fun.

How to Report Someone on Discord

On PC and Mac

  1. Find the person you want to block in the group you want to block in the Discord desktop app. Right-click on their name or profile picture.
  2. When the choice comes up, click Block, which is near the bottom of the list.
  3. Click the red “Block” button when the message pops up to confirm.
  4. That’s the end of it. That person’s texts will no longer show up on your screen. This time, you’ll see “XX Blocked Message.”

On Android and iPhone

  1. Find the message that you want to report.
  2. Press and hold on the message until the choice appears. This can be done from either a private or public server channel in a message.
  3. Choose “Report” from the list at the bottom.
  4. Pick the reason you want to report and click “Submit Report.”

Types of Discord Violations

  • Any action that supports or encourages bias or discrimination against a certain group of people is considered hateful conduct. Some examples of this are spreading hate speech or material that supports racist, sexist, or homophobic ideas.
  • Bullying: This is a type of repeated, planned behaviour that is meant to hurt, scare, or control another person. It is similar to harassment. It can mean telling lies, starting rumours, or giving out private information about another person without their permission.
  • Spamming: When you send a lot of unwanted messages on Discord in a short amount of time, this is called spamming. That can mean sending people to harmful websites, filling channels with pointless messages, or using bots to spam other users.
  • Sharing explicit material: This includes any content that is sexual, pornographic, or otherwise not appropriate for kids that they can see. That kind of behaviour is not allowed on Discord at all, and it can lead to your account being suspended or deleted right away.


Does Discord let you know who reported you?

Can you see who told Discord about you? I’m afraid not, you can’t. That’s why Discord keeps reporters private: to make sure that the person who reported them doesn’t go after them.

Can you get someone banned on Discord?

Discord API staff confirmed that a user can’t be banned UNLESS the server caches them. This means that even with bots, banning someone BEFORE they enter the server doesn’t work. This DOES work if the person is CACHED on the server or has left the server but was there before.

Can Discord send police?

It’s not that Discord actively reports users to the police or other authorities, but they do work with them when they have a true legal request. The Discord Terms of Service make it clear that users must follow all local laws and rules when they use the app.

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