How to Reset Tinder Account: the ultimate guide

Tinder not treating you right? We've got the solution! This guide unveils the secrets to a successful Tinder account reset and better matches.

We’ve all been there. You’re trying to find the right person on Tinder by moving left and right. Then you run into a problem: the feared “No Matches” screen. Have you ever thought about why first? Tinder has a really complicated formula that only an AI like roast could explain. Make sure you check it out first before you do anything else, or Reset Tinder Account.

Many people give up at this point and delete their Tinder account for good. But did you know that you can do this three different ways? We’ll talk about each one in more depth in this piece, so you can choose the best one for you! It’s a different story if you are banned. And our piece talks about it and tells you how to get out of that situation! You can find additional resources and answers to your questions on the Tinder official website.

Why Resetting Your Tinder Account is Necessary

  • Stale profile: If you haven’t had many matches in a while, resetting can give you a new start with a new profile and maybe even a short-term boost in exposure.
  • Outdated information: If your bio, photos, or hobbies aren’t still true, you can reset them to show who you really are and find better matches.
  • Suspicion of a “shadowban”: This isn’t proven, but some people think that frequently swiping left or acting in a bad way can get you a “shadowban,” which hides your profile from most users. You could get around this by resetting, but remember to always be polite and follow the rules.
  • Temporary boost may wear off: The initial boost in visibility after resetting is only temporary, and your long-term success will rely on how good your profile is and how you act.
  • Possible breach of terms: Tinder doesn’t like it when people make too many accounts, and doing it too often could get you banned.
  • Work required: It takes time and work to make a new profile and rebuild matches.

How to Reset Tinder Account

  1. Get rid of your account: Go to Settings in Tinder, open it, and then tap “Delete Account.” Confirm the deleting.
  2. Get rid of the app: Get rid of Tinder on your phone.
  3. Wait twenty-four hours: This lets Tinder handle your deletion.
  4. Install the app again: Get Tinder once more.
  5. Make a fresh account: Use a new bio and picture than that one.

Tips for Maximizing Success After Resetting Your Tinder Account

  • Don’t use clichés in your bio. Use humour, honesty, and brevity to show off your personality, hobbies, and special qualities.
How to Reset Tinder Account
  • Photos of good quality: Pick 5–6 recent, clear pictures that show off your best features, hobbies, and way of life. Don’t take selfies or group pictures.
  • Show off your diversity: Include pictures of you in a range of situations and actions to show that you are a well-rounded person.
  • Pick and choose swiping: Quality should come before number. You should only swipe right on profiles that really interest you.
  • Make a plan to boost: To get more attention, use Tinder’s paid features, like Boosts, during busy times or in new places.
  • Be truly involved: Don’t send the same old texts. Find things you have in common, ask specific questions, and keep the chat interesting.
  • Do not rush: It takes time to make relationships that matter. Don’t give up if matches don’t happen right away.
  • Stay positive: Show that you have a good mood in your bio and in your conversations. People are drawn to real happiness and optimism.


To reset your Tinder account, go to settings, select ‘Delete Account,’ and confirm. To create a new one, reinstall the app and sign up with a different Facebook/phone number. Ensure to clear cache and data to prevent re-identification. Remember, respect others’ privacy and use Tinder responsibly. Happy swiping!


How do you rewind on Tinder for free?

To go back to their page, use the “Rewind” button (yellow arrow icon on the main screen). Tinder users are the only ones who can change their last SWIPE (Like, Nope, Super Like). To sign up, open Tinder, tap the personal picture, go to Settings, and then select Get Tinder Plus, Tinder Gold, or Tinder Platinum.

Can you wipe a Tinder account?

Go to the app’s settings and tap on “Delete My Account.” This will delete your Tinder account. If you delete your account, Tinder will delete your profile, as well as any matches and chats you’ve had. You can also hide your profile from the Discovery part of the app, so other people can’t see it.

Can you start over on Tinder?

Go to “Settings” in Tinder and then click “Delete My Account” at the bottom of the page. If you don’t have a Facebook account and want to log in with your phone number, use this way on your Android or iPhone. Wait 3 months, or 92 days, after deleting your Tinder account and making a new one. This is the safest and best way to restart your account.

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